Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Header Challenge: Orange

November 14, 2012

This my first installment of a three-week venture with Headbangers Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Sandy and Lew.  Each of us selects one photo from the same theme to be our header.  There is a vote to award a prize!!  Tom selected this week's theme, which is ORANGE.  I confess that I am a dwarf among giants!

[Please click on any image to enlarge.]
green screen edit to my wife's pic from a pumpkin patch
Here are a few of my favorite macros from the archives.  The Daylily in the first shot was more yellow at a distance, but when viewing the shaded inner parts through translucent petals, it took on a darker hue.
Long Horned Grasshopper Nymph on the filaments of Daylily stamens
It has been suggested that these Soldier Beetles were (ahem) on their honeymoon, but a tiny microphone hidden among the butterfly weeds picked up the following phrase: "He ain't heavy; he's my brother."  So, if your mind was in the gutter, try to bee-have yourself.
Soldier Beetles on Butterfly Weed
bee drinking Butterfly Weed
Let me wrap things up here as I "ride off into the sunset."  Or... should someone in the twenty-first century "drive" off into the sunset?
backlit iron sculpture at a local steakhouse
mid-August sunset on Maple Street in Downers Grove, Illinois
The reason I selected the header though, was because because of sheer simplicity.  It was a sunset where trees shaped the horizon in a residential area.  I snapped that pic from the lot of a shopping mall just before a couple of mall cops drove up to me in their golf cart and made it clear that security frowns on cameras at this mall.  But orange you glad that I captured that amber glow?


imac said...

Hi my friend,
Love the Header sunset, but my favs are the5 shadowed men and little Craver and the pumpkins.
A real pro job here. well done.

I still reckon you will fall in ---- Love with this Challenge that you will be with us for a lot while longer.

Jackie said...

Great photos and always wonderful captions!
I can't imagine why security would frown on cameras in the parking lot of the mall...hmmm. Methinks that Big Brother is getting too pushy!
Great job!

Lew said...

Great header! You captured the rings around the sun well. I also like the riders into the sunset. Could be a scene from the old western movies.

Lew said...

Also thanks for your kind comment on my previous posts and kudos to Marianne!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Oh my, let's make it clear. I didn't tell you what I was posting today. lol

Craver Vii said...

I had to include those pumpkins Imac, even though it was my wife who took the original picture. The self portrait was added later with a green screen. That hasn't given me great results, but it is part of my "toolbox" that is under-utilized.

Jackie, as with most rules that I might consider unnecessary, I expect their reason has something to do with somebody doing something bad. Unfortunately, I have also tried working with mall officials there, and they wouldn't give me the time of day. Thanks for a sympathetic ear, and your comment is a blessing!

I'm thrilled that you came to visit my blog Lew! Your encouraging words are deeply appreciated.

I just got back from seeing your header Fishing Guy, and WOW!! The water's reflection makes your sunset TWICE as glorious as mine! Hats off to you, Tom!

HappyK said...

I think you did well my friend. The header is beautiful as well as all your orange photos!!

SandyCarlson said...

Your oranges are gorgeous, Craver. Magnificent!

Craver Vii said...

Thank you Happyone! This is called a competition, but I measure my success by how satisfied I am with what I produce, and by the caliber of people that surround me... such as you! Blessings!

Thanks Sandy! I liked your Japanese Maple!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful oranges Craver, lovely header too.

Pastor Dave said...

awesome pics! Orange you glad I visited your blog today?

George said...

This is a great first entry in the header contest. I really like your header, but the other photos are wonderful as well. Even your puns are good.

lime said...

so, did the great pumpkin ever show up in that pumpkin patch? hehehehe.

i think i like the grasshopper best. dunno why. just do.

Craver Vii said...

Thank you so much, Denise! My next header will be very, very different, but I hope it leaves a good impression as well.

Aah, there it its! Mr. Dave I was waiting for someone to say something punny. Thank you; I am satisfied now. :-)

Thank you, George. I hope to do my part in the next two weeks. Our Headbanger friends are stretching me and hold me to a high standard. I learn a lot from them.

I'm glad to hear that you liked that grasshopper pic, Lime. That one is special to me as well.

Pearl said...

Orange ya glad????

Why, I oughta...


SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for your well wishes!