Monday, November 12, 2012

sky scraper

There is a timed floodlight on a building near my home.  It lights up the tree at eleven PM like daylight.  I have often thought about taking night pics here, and I finally brought the tripod and took this picture.  And do you know what I noticed?  Do you see the star near the top of the tree?  Well, I had never realized that this tree... is almost as tall as the stars.  Any taller, and it might poke, scrape or tear the night's velvety shroud.  ;-)

For the next thee weeks, I plan to cooperate with a few blogging friends in a header competition.  While this is technically called a competition, for me, it is more like a community event.  We five will submit a post and header around the same subject.  I was afraid I might not have time, so I have only said yes to doing this for three weeks.  I do not know if I will be able to continue after that.  If you have not visited their blogs before, would you please consider viewing their posts and leaving a comment?  More information will be posted a couple of days from now.


Jackie said...

The title is perfect for this photo! Great shot.
I am in Florida....took my Nikon for repairs. I miss my camera....sigh.
Looking forward to seeing your shots on the Header sites. I always enjoy going to their blogs.

imac said...

Magnifico - my friend.

Im sure you will last more than 3 weeks, with your knowhow and the spirit for a competition with lots of fun - you go go a lot more-----

Craver Vii said...

I'm glad you liked the title Jackie, because I couldn't come up with one that used the tool I am so fond of: alliteration.

We'll see about the three weeks Imac. I am miserably slow. This first one has taken more time so far than what I expected. But as much as I try to avoid adding things to my plate, I have to admit that I'm enjoying Headbanging so far. :-)

George said...

I didn't realize trees grew so tall in your neck of the woods. But you got a great picture.

I'm sure you will more than hold your own with the Headbangers.

HappyK said...

Love the title you chose for your picture!

SandyCarlson said...

Your photo is wonderful.

Nice to play the header game with you!