Wednesday, December 11, 2013

cloud formations

cloud formations

December 11, 2013

This week's challenge is cloud formations, selected by Imac.  Check out my  pals for their  interpretations on this theme: Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Lew, and Christine Anne.

 Taking up photography has helped me to see things most people take for granted-- or maybe they don't even notice.

cotton puffs drifting across the stratosphere

the amber glow of clouds pressed down on the horizon


imac said...

Great warm waves rolling by.
Neat clouds my friend

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Did you get that header photo last Christmas eve? Fun post my friend.

Lew said...

Rolls of gold and white puffs Nicely done!

heritagemom said...

Those clouds in your header are truly amazing; I love the colors. I'm surprised you're not famous for capturing Santa--maybe you should become a paparazzo!

EG CameraGirl said...

Your cloud shot would be hard to beat, Craver!

Betty Manousos said...

that first shot is truly stunning!
i'm in awe. the clouds are excellently caught. i wish this photo was mine! ;)

Betty Manousos said...

love your festive header too!