Wednesday, March 19, 2014

spring is coming

spring is coming

March 19, 2014

This week's challenge is spring is coming selected by Lew.  Check out my pals for their interpretations on this theme: Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Lew, and Christine Anne.

...but it's not here yet.  I live in the Chicago area, and we have had very few days of moderate temps.  And the snow this season... we were really hit hard with the white stuff!!  I had to dig through the archives for spring pics because we do not have much to show yet for the coming of spring. These were assembled from some of my pics taken around this date, but two years ago.

The call of the Redwing Blackbirds ushers in the spring in these parts.

These Crocuses are among the first visual signs of spring.

More Crocuses.  These were in front of my house.

A budding Magnolia.

When spring arrives, we love to visit the local parks.

And kids can hang out in each others' back yards again!
My son made the cardboard shield and I made the cardboard battle axe.

It's conference season I think for these Ring Billed Seagulls.

Stalking Chickadees at my front window.
...Or is he stalking me?

Mallard love is in the air, n'est-ce pas?

The American Robin sings its pretty songs deep in these tree branches.


Lew said...

Love the rainbow in the fountain and your robin! It was somewhat my intent with the theme to show how slow spring was in its arrival. Our weather has trail yours by a couple of days - not quite as cold or as much snow and ice though.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Neat captures of a coming Spring sight. I'm afraid, in Ohio, we are brown and gray. My photos are from last year.

Betty Manousos said...

what a beautiful spring post, carver!

it's nice to see spring blooming in other parts of the world. what a pleasure it is to see all your beautiful flowering plants my friend.

i ADORE your shots!

Katney said...

I like your bird as he looks like he is shivering because he arrived a bit early for spring.

HappyK said...

Nice spring pictures. Hopefully you will be able to get some spring pictures for this year soon!!
Thanks for the spell check. : )

George said...

You did a great job with this theme, even if you had to go back to your archives. My brother lives in northern Indiana, so I understand why you have no pictures from this year. Hopefully Spring will arrive for all of us on schedule tomorrow.

Jackie said...

These look like professional photos....but, then again, I forget that you are truly that, now. You have such a good eye, Craver, and your spring subjects are wonderful.
I'm especially enthralled with the red-winged black bird photo.
Have a beautiful spring....