Wednesday, May 14, 2014



May 14, 2014

This week's challenge is nature; it was Womtig's choice.  Check out my pals for their interpretations on this theme: Womtig, Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Lew, and Christine Anne.

It's a good thing I took pictures of this flowering tree Friday afternoon, because when I came back on Monday, the ground was covered with all the white petals.  The flowers were all gone.  The header shot is facing South, and the polarizing filter helped find some deep blue in the sky.

This would have been my alternate header.  This one faces West, towards the sun.
Disney's nature might include Bambi and Thumper.

In real life, nature is sometimes harsh.

Here is a contrast between nature's beauty and bitterness.

Sometimes you just have to pull the car over and stop to take a picture.

Sometimes you wish the interesting photo subjects weren't quite so close.

The air is filled with the beautiful song of the American Robin.


Tom said...

Great Header... nice to see the hawk with it's kill.. at least it kills only for the food it needs and not from 'want' or 'war'.

Lew said...

The beauty of nature can be fleeting - especially blooms in your part of the world! Spiders and hawks gotta eat. Love your close-ups; just be careful with that subject!

Katney said...

I've a shot on my 365 blog a few posts back that I caught when there were blossoms on the tree as well as on the ground. It is a city shot, and pretty cool. We barely realized that our Japanese Maple was blooming and it was over. Wind wind. Blow away. Leave our blooms another day.

heritagemom said...

Blossoms here?? Yes!! Wonderful shot. And I love your red tailed hawk; those birds are fascinating and HUGE close up.

George said...

You got some beautiful photos of nature. I really like your header, but I know what you mean about needing to get pictures of blossoms on trees while you can. Their beauty can be so fleeting.

imac said...

Well Craver ol friend, very nice Nature work here.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Fun fun fun, except the wasps.