Tuesday, October 21, 2014

signs of fall

signs of fall

October 22, 2014

This week's challenge selection is signs of fall by Lew.  Check out my pals for their interpretations on this theme: Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Lew, and Christine Anne.

As much as there is to see with all the pretty landscapes and such, I selected a view from inside my car for this week's header because it tells the story succinctly. And now, for the rest of the story...

[click on any image to enlarge]

Oops. We're not talking about that kind of fall, are we?

I took a bunch of pumpkin pics but most did not turn out so gourd. Er... good.

Ty Warner Park in Westmont, Illinois

Another morning shot at Ty Warner

I love crunchy leaves, but these were all wet...

See what I mean?

Aah, now THESE are dry, crispy flakes!

A view from the other side

Gingko leaves are bright yellow now

I'm absolutely delighted with this colorful palette!

Thanks to our Creator for the variety of trees and different hues!

It's neat to see some of these trees in the process of changing.

Standing at the ready to usher in the next season...


imac said...

Well Craver, you certainly created a smile on my face, plus plenty of signs of Fall (Autumn) Colours.

DeniseinVA said...

Hey Craver, it's great to be catching up with you today. Thanks for stopping by. I've enjoyed all your Autumn 'Fall' pictures. Have a great day :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Sadly the leaves are pretty soggy here too. But the weather people are promising we'll get sunshine starting tomorrow. Should I believe them?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Nice captures for the Fall theme Craver.

HappyK said...

Lots of pretty fall pictures. Sure is a pretty time of year. : )

Katney said...

Ah, Craver. I love the header image but I was expecting the outside the box shot.

Shammickite said...

Every year I know the fall colours are coming, but every year I am surprised at how bright they are, and the various shades of red, and orange and gold.... so beautiful. We are so lucky to live here.

Lew said...

Indeed a creative look for fall! (You missed the water fall)

heritagemom said...

From your Facebook post, I thought you were really going to take your images waaaay out of the box. You surprised us all, I think! Love your header, the composition, the color, the water droplets. Very nicely done.