Monday, March 16, 2015


Hi! Looking for me? New opportunities and responsibilities have been presented, leaving me with too much to juggle. I regret to say that (for the moment) I need to cut back in some areas to make time to finish those things that need to come first.

I hope to return to blogging soon, but for now I am still available by email and Facebook. Blessings to you.



HappyK said...

Enjoy your break. See you when you return to blogging.

George said...

We'll miss you and are looking forward to your return.

imac said...

You won't see this- so why am I still here talking - oh well - good luck Ol Boy,lol

Craver Vii said...

Thanks Happyone, George and Imac.

Oh, but I DO see the comments, because they come through as email as well.

I have not been taking as many pictures these past few weeks. I was down 2 whole weeks with kidney stones. Feeling much better now though. They ended up blasting those little gargoyles to smithereens.

I miss this time with my pals, but so far I am staying on top of all my tasks.

Betty Manousos said...

enjoy your break. you'll be missed. we'll be here when you return to blogging.

i'm so sorry to hear about your kidney stones-kidney stones are so painful, but i am glad that you're feeling better.
sending prayers and thoughts your way.

Shammickite said...

I had a giant kidney stone zapped too, but got it before it did any painful damage. I'll keep checking your blog, to see when you are able to return.