Friday, September 08, 2006


Some people seem to really know how to pray. I have enjoyed praying with people who take this seriously. But I must admit that I have a long way to go. A friend asked me to pray specifically for her father. I did. Relentlessly. God answered in a marvelous way. That was almost a year ago. This week, she asked, "How can I pray for you?" I could not think of what to say. What's wrong with me? Am I arrogant or just stupid? Perhaps I have some disorder that cripples me from being able to sort priorities and just pick one. I don't know. Quoting a fellow blogger and a good man, "I fear what is in men's minds, knowing what is in my own." The area in my life that is in the most serious need of intervention is my own mind, but I'm not going to share that with a lady who is not my wife. I don't have a strong desire to pray about material needs, because I would rather exercise contentment and keep my eyes open for the things I should be thankful for, rather than allow my mind to drift to what I consider covetousness. My wife and children and most of my family have already come to faith. Can I tell you something funny? I ask people every week at the food and clothing pantry, "How can I pray for you?" Their answers flow easier than my own. How about this? If you ask and someone doesn't know what to pray for them, go ahead and pray. Pray as you feel led. But then, afterwards, tell them how you prayed. Make sure God gets the credit for however he chooses to answer your prayer. But pray; by all means, pray. And if you are kind enough to remember me and bring me before the Sovereign Lord, thanks.

1 comment:

Even So... said...

Pray that they would learn to spread grace aroung and to be joyful as they are conformed to the image of Christ...