Thursday, February 15, 2007

looth tooth

One of the kids had a loose molar. This child is not usually aggressive about pulling it out on their own, and I usually try to have them do their own baby-teeth extractions.

I don’t like pulling teeth. They’re scared and I do not want to be associated too much with pain. But when they could not do it on their own, the kids have come to me as if I’m some kind of family expert in this field. What a dubious honor to have bestowed upon you!

So, after making the obligatory jokes, I try to convince this child that the psychology of fear makes the pain seem great, when it’s really not so bad. I tie the floss, give a hug, and somewhere in the midst of the subsequent patter, I sneak a quick tug, and voila! The tooth is out!

Rinse, then hug.

Again, I do not enjoy pulling teeth, but you know what? When Mrs. Craver asks the kids, “Do you want Daddy to pull it for you? And they say yes, it means they trust me. They have confidence in my help to get past the fear and pain. I like that.


L.L. Barkat said...

Sweet. Tooth. (Did somebody say Sweet Tooth? Okay, so I'm loving the once-a-year chocolate treat.)

Llama Momma said...

Okay. I've got some serious heebie jeebies going on. This is even worse than the spider post!! I can already predict that the llama papa is going to have to step up for tooth pulling duty someday...

Craver Vii said...

LM, the heebie jeebies... that's a reaction to LL's once-a-year chocolate, right? (shiver)

Llama Momma said...

LL -- You only eat chocolate ONCE a YEAR? You're kidding, right???

Incidentally, I read an article when I was pregnant that said that women who eat chocolate every day when they're expecting have happier babies. They didn't know if it was a chemical reaction to the chocolate or because women who eat chocolate every day are less uptight. In any case, I took no chances. And I have a VERY happy baby!

Of course, I also gained sixty pounds. Maybe I need to switch to the once a year plan...

L.L. Barkat said...

No kidding, Llama. (I'm one of "those" kind of people. :)

But, also no kidding, I eat a rich, to-die-for chocolate pudding that's made with avocados. I know. But if you ate it without knowing, you'd never guess. (This reminds me of my mother's famous mayonnaise cake. Hmmm... a family theme emerging here?)

Llama Momma said...

LL -- no "us" and "them" here, my friend! I just cannot imagine life without chocolate. So...I'm guessing the chocolate pudding has cocoa powder in it? Maybe it's just the sugar you're trying to avoid? I'd love the recipe, if it's not too tricky to post. I'm also an avacado fanatic, though one of the things that kills me is paying a buck or more a piece for them here in chicagoland!! Neighbors in California used to just give them to me, and if I did have to buy them, they were only 4 for a dollar at my favorite produce market. Those were the days!

In any case, I admire your willpower. :-)

Craver Vii said...

You say "willpower." I say something's broken.

Just kidding, LL! I wonder what other popular things some of us do without. One of my coworkers is amazed at how easily I decline snacks made of cheese. (I'm lactose intolerant.)

Craver Vii said...

Oops. I bumped the keyboard and spilled a future post just above this one.

There. It's all cleaned up now. I hope you didn't get any on ya.

Craver will serve no post before it's time.

L.L. Barkat said...

LLama... yes, cocoa powder! And soaked dates, vanilla, avocado, maple syrup, and raw coconut oil. Whiz it around in a high-speed blender.

- 6 dates, soaked 10 min.
- 2 TB maple syrup
- 1/2 TB vanilla
- 1/2 TB coconot oil (or coconut butter)
- 1 1/2 avocados
- about 1/3 cup cocoa powder (or, to taste)

Hey, if you like delicious things that are actually healthy, stop by Green Inventions tomorrow. Sausage-Flavored Lentil Soup (without the sausage) will be on the menu.

Craver... I'm not much of a "do without" person when it comes to food. Some people, when hearing I'm a veg. will laugh at that. But I consider it the addition of delicious, healthy cuisine to my life (see, it's all in how we look at things! :)

Craver Vii said...

Right on, Sista-girl!

Anonymous said...

Ok Craver another recipe on yopur blog! I see something happening here! A recipe exchange blog maybe?

Anyway, back on topic. Llama don't worry about pulling teeth, you too Craver! I know just the person for it and you do too. Her initials are J.W. She pulls my kids teeth when they are hanging on by a thread. She loves to do it! REALLY!! I know it's sick, but true! My kids have asked me to call her when they've had enough of a hanger-on tooth!

L.L. Barkat said...

For now, is she itinerant? Does she ever come to the East Coast?

Lara said...

Craver-the dad in this house always pulls tooth duty too. And splinter removal ... I guess maybe any kind of extraction. I agree it's a good sign of their trust (but wait, does that mean they don't trust me?!).

LL-I can tell your recipe will require a trip to the grocery store. My pantry/fridge is devoid of avocados, dates and coconut oil (btw what do you soak the dates in?). But I'm intrigued.

Llama Momma - if you find the ingredients for this recipe, can I try it?

Anonymous said...

My oldest is about to turn six. (She wants a pirate party, how cool is that?) And she is able to wiggle her first tooth.

Tomorrow she'll be married, I just know it.

(God help me be present in the present!)

Jonathan Moorhead said...

I would definitely have the video camera out for that one. Good memory.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Craver, Nice post and thought. And fun?!!! No, not really, I suppose. But I guess I think of coming to the Father when I'm in pain, or more like in trouble. And trusting him to do what is right, in spite of the pain involved. Knowing he is good, and it all ends good. Thanks!

L.L. Barkat said...

Craver, you are so cool to allow recipe exchange on your blog. (Let's hear it for food!)

Amusing Mom, just soak them in water and keep the soak water to add into the blender as needed. Oh, and remember to take out the pits. Very important. You may have to play around with the proportions a little. Each to her own taste, as it is.

Anonymous said...

Hey Craver how about you, have any recipes you would like to share??

Craver Vii said...

Hey Kids! Recipe exchanges are A-OK! I’m glad you’re having fun. It’s good to know that people are visiting.

For Now… Do you mean JW, the German lady? I could see that. She’s such a cool mom.
Mark, a pirate party?! Excellent!! There is soooo much potential for fun with that theme. I’ve married one of mine off already, and your prayer is appropriate for us dads. (God help me be present in the present!)

Ted, what a thrill to have you over for a visit! The recipe exchanges are absolutely acceptable, but your line of thinking was what I was expecting from this post. Thank you for finally taking us there. By the way, let me tell you how to make Elvis’ fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches…

Craver Vii said...

Oh, and Jonathan, would you believe that I own neither a digital camera, nor a video camera? When I get pictures developed, I like the option of digitally putting them on a CD.

Martin Stickland said...

Do you have the tooth fairy there when you put the tooth under the child’s pillow at night and in the morning they have a coin in its replacement? I best not let my boys see your post or they will be yanking each others teeth out to bump up their pocket money.

It is great your kids have such faith in you.

Craver Vii said...

Yes Martin, it was a little shocking (in a good way) when this child said they wanted Daddy to pull the tooth. Saturday night another child brought me back down to earth, by acting really scared of me when I offered to help pull the loose tooth.

Yes, I had two tooth-pulling opportunities! My two middle children each lost one tooth.

I hope to act more like the first child when God, who is my heavenly Father, needs (figuratively) to "pull a tooth" in my life.