Tuesday, February 13, 2007

add a button

Nifty! Click on the link to learn how to add a button to your post.


Even So... said...

English, please...just add the script, or what?



Llama Momma said...

Maybe this is a stupid question, but why would someone WANT to add a button to their post? Seriously? What are some possible button purposes?

Anonymous said...

Thank you llama!! I was going to ask the same question!

Craver Vii said...

You add the script as you compose the text for your post. Change the "page1.htm" to your link, and you can even rename "Clickable Button" if you want.

People, people! If you have to ask for a legitimate reason, you're missing the point...

Why do ladies have to have all that stuff in a China cabinet? (Men nod approvingly.)

Now that you have a button available, you will find thousands of applications! It will be the answer to 99% of your most difficult situations, you'll see.

L.L. Barkat said...

Llama and For Now... techno people don't need reasons for anything. But, Craver, that stuff in the china cabinet is totally must-have!!! What will you and Mrs. have tea and scones on otherwise?