Wednesday, March 07, 2007

site meter

They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. I disagree. (Or maybe I’m already too far gone.) I tried a few times unsuccessfully to add a site meter on my sidebar. I tried it again, and the third time, it worked. Maybe it was because of the new blogger, I don’t know. Press this button to get your own:

If you are interested in retro stats, I have no clue where to find such a thing; it will not tell you how many people have ever visited your blog. It begins counting from when you install it. I waited 24 hours and checked the tally. It was more than I expected.


I must resist the temptation to cater to the numbers. There are ways to draw more visitors that are beneath even me. Still, it’s fun to take a look at the stats and feel the breeze as the masses whiz by. First, you gloat: “they think I’m cool.” Then you wonder, “How cool could I be if they don’t leave a comment, but slink away as if they accidentally walked into the wrong room?”


Wait! Don’t go!! We can be friends. Listen to me; I have something to say…


I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.


Jen2 said...

Awww........THAT little cartoonie was hilarious !

Gracias....and're pretty cool....but you keep each other humble......we need not post a comment on EVERY SINGLE post.........

Halfmom said...

you are a goof ball - but at least you're a lovable one - earring and all

Anonymous said...

Yes, I love Craver's earring too! You going to let your son get one too?

Llama Momma said...

You have an earring? Seriously?

I was pretty into my blog counter for awhile, and then I figured out who the three people reading my blog every day were, and suddenly the excitement was gone.

Very funny cartoon, by the way. Glad I've got crazy friends! (Sorry, For Now, but it's either you or me!)

spaghettipie said...

I use Google Analytics to track traffic to my blog, and I recently realized I was kind of obsessed with it...and I don't really even understand all of the data it's giving me. Strange that I'm getting affirmation from a tracking program...

“The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.” Bruce Feirstein

Lara said...

Site meter can be good for some laughs. Like the fact that I learned through mine that the search terms "women's footed pajamas Meijer" (without the quotes) pulls up my blog as the first listing. Whodda thunk?!

Craver Vii said...

About the "earring," no, Craver does not have a pierced anything. This so-called earring is a birthmark on my left earlobe. It used to look like a hole from when you remove an earring, but now it's grown and hairy and just about ready to sprout arms and legs, and have a name of its own.

So, we cannot let or not let anyone get one of these "earrings"... it was given by God, Himself.

Anonymous said...

Hey maybe you should update your blog photo so everyone can see the earring.

Even So... said...

Nice earring...I have one in my left ear too...

All kidding aside, I really do have a slash mark, and to me it looks like a former hole, but no one has eevr said anyhting about it...

L.L. Barkat said...

Hey there, nice to see you are still insane after my week of leaving you in your lunacy. I enjoyed my vacation and thank you for your stated withdrawal issues!

jazzycat said...

I have accepted that I am the one in four, but balanced is really a relative term as we all gage balance with a standard. The standard most of us use is ourselves. Wow, ole Joe sure is mentally balanced since he is a lot like me.....

Craver Vii said...

LL Barkat's back! I think I'm (sniff) going to get (sniff) emotional.

As I search for a box of tissues, (clearing throat) let me just say, "Wazzap!" to Even So, Jazzycat, and any other gents that are passing through.

Ah yes, we are listening to a cat explain to us about being "balanced." Just remember you got it here first, folks.

Even So, what a great photo opportunity... Picture this, a semi-close shot of you and Margie that shows your ear "slash" while she is holding a pair of scissors in her hand...

Gotta go now, a piano student just arrived. (Not really, but it sounded good when someone else said it.)

L.L. Barkat said...

I take it back. If you missed me that much, you must be quite sane.

Every Square Inch said...

Not to worry, I think you're cool, Craver. But then again, I'm the mentally unbalanced one...

Shammickite said...

Sane? I wonder... after all, he fancies that bird over on Martin's blog....

regards... the Marmalade Queen

Ted M. Gossard said...

A key, I believe is simply accepting one's insanity, and going on. Even enjoying it. And reveling in it!

Craver Vii said...

Andre and Ted, it's like the saying goes, "I'm enjoying every minute of it."

Exshammy: Bird? What bird, Your Majesty?