Friday, May 18, 2007
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Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
Huh, times two.
Sorry, I likes my DHMO. Especially with summer coming on.
What?? You haven’t heard about the campaign to ban the use of DHMO? Imagine my horror when I realized that the same stuff I use for a healthy lawn was found in food and beverages marked for human consumption!!!!
You can find it in acid rain.
Scientists use it in animal research.
Athletes use it to enhance performance.
Now I hear that big food companies are putting this stuff in baby food, too!!
Have you ever seen a confused llama? Come on over! I'm wandering aimlessly from room to room, muttering "DHMO, DHMO...."
Oops. I just read, "have you ever been confused with a llama?" Hmmm... Craver, is that you? Or is it the devious llama droid?
No LL, that was a cousin: Alpaca-Vii.
(Welp, if there was anybody who wasn't confused before...)
I just read your comment over at Charity's blog about her dad pointing a hair dryer and laughing... You were REALLY quiet as a kid? I'm just not seeing it. Maybe one of those "Uh-oh, he's quiet, better see what he's up to" kind of kids. I can see that.
The pointing hair dryer was too funny. OK. Back to your lawn, baby food, chemical warfare stuff.
Craver-blogs were meant for rants, so rant away :)
I didn't know about this chemical. We (at our home) try to stick to food that's the closest to the natural state. Homegrown raw veggies are the best, but I do like my cows not mooing *grin*
DHMO = Down Home Moonshine Organisation?
Dirty Hands Make Odour?
Didn't Have Many Opiates?
Designated Hitter, Manager Optional?
or.... Don't Have Many Opinions...
Huh?...DHMO Huh?...DHMO Huh?...DHMO
I'm so confused, I don't know what to journal!
Huh?...DHMO HUh?...DHMO
Just Journaling is right. Sort of, anyway. I didn't know what to "journal" about. And that's okay because this is not my journal; I write whatever I wish, whenever I want. If I kept an actual journal, it would be private. You would only be interested in reading such a thing if you had a severe case of insomnia.
Besides Taliesin, does anybody else (with an identity) know what DHMO is?
I found a way to enhance the cloak of anonymity. I didn't want to use the delete function, but a man my age grows tired quickly of having to explain that he doesn't approve of unsigned comments.
Unless it's something like confessing a crime or sin or admitting something that is utterly embarrasing, I don't see a need for leaving totally anonymous comments here.
I would be foolish to think that everybody's going to agree with me on this, but it's my house, and that's how we do it here.
Hint Craver-change your settings to no anonymous...*nudge, nudge. Wink, wink...*
Oh Craver - what are you up to now? Waterworld?
Don't Have Many Options
Don't Have Much Odor
Don't Hide My Octopus
Don't Humor My O...O...
Oh I give up!
Craver -
Speaking of "anonymous", when I signed in as anonymous the first couple of times in your past post, you asked me to give myself a name and I did. That wasn't hard. If they can't think of a name, I'm sure someone here can come up with a good one for them. Wouldn't you think?
I for one, appreciate my DHMO and will oppose any attempts to ban it!
After all, despite what the ad says, I believe there are some who champion increasing daily use of DHMO?
Okay, anyone else tempted to make anonymous confessions on Craver's blog?
Anyone, anyone?
Nope. Just me.
(That last comment was cute but anonymous and unsigned.)
So, does everybody know what DHMO is?
De l'eau. Si frais, si pure, si naturelle!
Water you talking about?
OK, play by the rules!
Now, now LM, you're going to get him all riled up! Let's wait until he's out of town for a few days. As far as confessions.HMMM? I have been eating way too many chips lately. Whew!
Love always,
Aunt Bea
I think Sean Penn is interested in stamping out DHMO. It is obviously a crisis.
What's even more horrible is that areas like I was at last week in the pristine UP of Michigan are veritable dumping grounds for DHMO!
Why, these poor unsuspecting college students were literally playing in the stuff!
Okay, so I finally got curious enough to go to the site listed at the bottom of your "ad." If this is a comic thing, it sure is elaborate (see dhmo.org), and if it is serious, well, we better get our llamas out of harm's way.
The DHMO.org website actually has a section called, "Why haven't I heard about Dihydrogen Monoxide before?" Well, no one who has visited your blog can ask THAT question now, can they?
Thank you for being patient and playing along.
It's no joke. Well, it is, but it isn't. I'll explain in the next post.
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