[Click photo to enlarge.].
When we got back, I went up the the roof of the parking garage. There was a nice breeze, we were a few stories above the slightly muffled city sounds and the view was spectacular. I remembered that my camera was in the car..
I don't know how to mess with the manual settings for aperture and shutter speed. I just always set on the green indicators for the automatic program settings. Knowing that it might not turn out, and if it did, the camera must be held perfectly still, I set it on the ledge, propping the lens up with my wallet, and used the timer instead of pressing the shutter-button with my finger..
I'm not a purist, so yes, it's doctored up a little to accent the colors. Pretty cool though, eh?
Yes - it is very, very cool! I was quite jealous of your concert - it seemed like quite a wonderful thing to go to - I do so love to sing worship songs and old hymns!
Very nice! You mean to tell me that if you doctor photos, then you are not a purist.... Oh my, woe is me!
Gorgeous picture! Sounds like a great view to top off an amazing evening.
Somehow it reminds me of a medieval castle, and you the king surveying his lands with awe.
There were a lot of hoarse voices by the end of that night, Halfmom.
But Jazz, I like what you do with pictures.
There were a lot of wonderful elements that came together that night, Spaghettipie. Probably not for the poor folks sitting close enough to hear me, but it was one of those times when you just sing out as loud as you possibly can. The rooftop view was a pleasant way to wind down and reflect on the evening.
LL, I sure felt like royalty from up there!
Hey - did you get my email?
Super fun. I'm jealous :). Was down, I mean up, that way not too long ago. Apple, inc.'s briefing center is like 3 buildings to the left of the Sears Tower. It'd been a little while since I was downtown; the tower never fails to impress. :)
I like the green on the building below the Sears tower and love the cloud cover; it really makes it look a little confined, even though it's such a huge area.
I'd love to visit Chicago some day, Lord willin'.
That's a nice photo Craver.
Have you ever visited Cornerstone/JesusPeopleUSA? Just wondering.
Thanks for the email, Susan. Sorry for the delay. I just now forwarded a response.
Pete, the Sears Tower may not be close to my present home, but if you drove I-55, you would have come VERY close to where I live. One of these days, Pete... Whether Normal or Bolingbrook, we're gonna have to find time for a hamburger or coffee or something.
Sandman, I'd love to visit with you, too. Funny that you mention Cornerstone. I don't know a whole lot about JPUSA, except that it was at the Cornerstone music event (July 5, 1986) that I first heard a presentation of the gospel. Christian friends treated me to a free concert. I spent a lot of time walking and talking with one of them. I thought the guy was extreme and didn't agree with his narrow views at the time, but the following day, I was brought into a saved relationship with Jesus Christ.
I didn't grow up in Chi-town, but I love it, and I think that photo is great!
I, too, was born and raised in Chicago.
When I was little till about 16 yrs old, I use to live a few blocks from "Jesus People" though I've never heard of them till I became a believer.
Dear Hubby - what do you mean I'm improving? Improving what?
Hey Jen, good to see ya! I looked back at your post about the flat tire and I don't see the goofy pun I thought I left behind. Is it early senility? Did I intend to comment and then forget to follow through? I'm so sorry. Alas, the wit is gone. I may leave a lame remark, but Thursdays are my "off" days. ...It coulda been so funny, too.
Dear Wife, the "improving" comment was about A Musing Mom's little daughter improving on her scissors skills. The spot where I said that was a new paragraph, but it was not clear that I was changing the subject.
Wow man!!!! Is that your skyline shot?? No!
If it is then you are a clever little munky or minky as Little Ju's sister would would say.
Hope you are well mate!
Love the photo...it makes Chicago look glorious...maybe even enough to make you forget the sub-freezing winters. ;-)
Awesome picture Craver.. I liked it very much, a top view.
You are good at doctoring, eh ? teach me some. I am too novice to do anything. :(
oh craver, what a sweet comment you left on my blog - thanks for allowing me to be your sis!
Gosh thanks. Yes, I snapped that shot. Thankfully Martin, the night sky is a little darker at home. I live thirty-five miles away from downtown. It's nice to visit, but I'm glad to live in my nice little suburb.
It's funny, ESI. The more harsh the winter, the more proud I feel to call this place home. Perhaps it is foolishness, but when I'm outside shoveling snow or bundling the kids like little Eskimos, I think, "Not everybody can do this." Plus, there's nothing like a roaring fireplace and hot cocoa after coming in from the bitter cold.
"Too novice" Cuckoo? And yet, you have an amazing gift in that you draw many people to yourself. The "doctoring" I speak of is nothing more than tinkering with the options on my photo editor Picasa.
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