Wednesday, December 26, 2007

grasping at straws

My son Levi does not chew with his mouth open. He does not chew at all. In fact, he doesn't even open his mouth.


He was released from the hospital Saturday with his jaw wired shut after a wrestling accident. For the next four weeks, he is restricted to an all liquid diet.


Poor kid. He has a teenager's metabolism and he can't even eat pizza! Well, he can eat anything he wants, but it must go through a straw first. We already liquefied a cheeseburger and fries. It wasn't bad, but so far, I think the peanut butter milkshake is the best.


A buddy told me about a site where they show videos of what kind of crazy things can go in their blender. Glowsticks, golf balls... all kinds of things! It's called


...Has anybody seen the cat?


Anonymous said...

oh the light sticks were soooo cool!

Cuckoo said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about your son, was away from blogworld.

I'll include your son in my prayers. God bless him and how fortunate he is to have a father like you.

Craver Vii said...

Hi NaNcY! The Bic lighters... you gotta see him do the Bic lighters!

Thanks for your kindness, Cuckoo. Welcome back. Fortunate because of me? Yes, I remind him every day. ;-)

Seriously, he is fortunate to have fine examples in both of his grandfathers. I have big shoes to fill; by God's grace, I'll do what I can.

Llama Momma said...

I'm so bummed for your son. UGH!!!

Of course, I should get a picture of him all busted up so when the noisy boys get out of control, I can show them and say, "You know, this boy had to drink his hamburgers for six weeks..."

Every Square Inch said...

Cool site - thanks for sharing it with us.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

*still chuckling at LM's comment*

*suddenly remembers her daughter has no fear*

Um, can I get a get a copy of that picture, too?

Lifelong Learner said...

catchy title! I tell you what, I would be grasping at straws if I had to eat meals through them.

"Levi", I'm so sorry you had to go through this. You're going to have a great story to tell people, though. Take some good pictures for proof!

PS. Craver, I can't make anything out of the word verification. I loved how yours worked out (hhvdo). Too funny.

Craver Vii said...

I imagine this will be one of his top stories. You know the kind... when Grandpa leans back and says, "Did I ever tell you about..." Yes Grandpa, you've told that story MANY times already.

I snapped a few pictures, but I haven't shown them to Levi yet. Any postings of his misery will be subject to his approval. This might be old news by the time I get around to showing him what he looked like at the hospital.

Stacy, thanks for the personal message to Levi. I will forward that to him; he will appreciate it.

imac said...

Hi Craver vii, well you are the winner -congrats, if you email me with your snail mail addy -the cards will be on their way.

imac said...

Hi tis me again forgot to say I think your blog is very interesting.

Also sorry to hear about your son, poor fella, hope he's soon on the mend.

Anonymous said...

I hope your son will get well soon. I will be praying for him as well as you and your family.

Mary said...

Call me a brat of a sister, but I have the perfect idea for a gift for him and I've been on the hunt for one.

You know those, ahem, beer hats? The ones with the bottles attached to the side of a helmet with straws going into the mouth so you can drink? Oh yeah...hello fun with liquid meals!! hahahaha

Lin said...

Oh that poor kid! Please give him a GENTLE hug for me!

Shammickite said...

Cool video, reminds me of the old joke.... what's green and red and goes round and round?
Answer: a frog in a blender.

Craver Vii said...

Nice to see you popping in for a visit, Imac. I hope to see you again.

Rachel, your prayers are appreciated.

Mrrr, they put beer in those things?? ;-)

You know something Linn? I have two boys. I am rarely physical with the older one, but the younger one is all about hugging, sitting on my lap, kisses, zerberts (raspberries), etc. Nevertheless, I'll pass along that gentle hug from you, even though it makes him blush.

That's funny Shammy. I want to tell him, but I'll wait to evoke a gag reflex until his hardware has been removed.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a way to spend the holidays. I will be praying for your son, Craver!