Wednesday, February 27, 2008

singin da blues

Poor Levi. This kid worked so hard to get to the point where he was going to lead worship at our church. His big day was to be December 30. But then, just before Christmas, he took a bad fall and ended up having his jaw wired shut. (See post from December 26.) Not only did he miss leading worship on that day, this also affected his Christmas and 18th birthday celebrations as well. So as a family, we decided to postpone our usual Christmas feasts until he could join us; I'm sure Jesus won't mind.


Last Sunday would be his second chance. We were all set to go, but he came down with a 104 degree fever and was forced to stay home.


Now, when somebody stands in front of the congregation to sing, it is not about him or for him. Nevertheless, it is a great privilege, and we hate to see that his plans were thwarted both times he was set to go. (Maybe they oughta quit asking him, as it seems to be bad for his health.)


I have heard him practice and I have heard him "perform" in front of other people. He always does a little better when he has a microphone and an audience. Maybe he can write a song about all of this. If you're reading this Levi, keep strumming and singing Son; keep practicing.


Lara said...

This makes me think of something that has been top-of-mind for me recently as I've begun "getting up in front" (albeit as a speaker and not a singer. Definitely not a singer): we do not serve God in a vacuum. There is one whose purpose is to thwart the advancement of the Kingdom. And so leading up to an "event" I always pray for God's protection and purposes; that whatever happens, He would still get the glory.
Praying for your son,

L.L. Barkat said...

How is it you can make me laugh even in the most sober of moments?

Anonymous said...

104!!! that is some fever!

Beckster said...

I came here via Ex-Shammickite's blog (nice one!) and as a dancer I SO know that feeling of getting all geared up for a performance and then the body/health/weather/public transport SOMETHING letting you down. I hope the guy gets his moment in the spotlight soon!

Craver Vii said...

Smart thinking, AMM.

LL, that reminds me of a funny story... ;-)

You ain't kidding, NaNcY! Any higher, and we would have to take this guy to the hospital... again!

Glad to see you stopped in, Beckster! Have a tea and bisquits and make yourself comfortable. :-)

I just visited your blog, and wow! You're a real dancer! I originally thought you were just a person who liked to dance. I gotta tell you, that is definitely not one of my gifts/talents. I tried it for drama credit in high school, and that wasn't pretty.

Pete Juvinall said...

Crazy - Maybe God has a specific sunday for him to play. My prayer would be that he would listen when that Sunday comes around. :)

david mcmahon said...

G'day Levi,

Leading is a gift. Playing guitar is a gift. Being able to sing is a gift.

Illness is unavoidable, but it will only POSTPONE your chance to display those great gifts.

It won't nullify the chance.

Keep smiling, mate

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Thanks for visiting and come back again.
My next posts will be written in Portuguese and English!
