Tuesday, March 25, 2008

strong like sparrows

David asks: How strong is your faith? (Check his site for rules if you want to participate and be recognized.)


  I suppose I should begin by narrowing down a working definition of faith. For our this post's purposes, I am talking about those particular beliefs that compose the essential elements of a person's foundational motivation. I like to use the term Prime Motivator. As such, I would say we all have "faith" in something or someone, regardless of whether we call ourselves religious.


  Next, there is the object of my faith. God has never broken his word, or failed to do what he promised. He is all-powerful, all-knowing and never-changing. As foundations go, there is nothing more solid. There is enough credibility established by the things that he has done, that I do not feel the need to question the things pertaining to the future or things unseen.


  We might discern reliability for a field of science by the scientists established in that discipline, but the reference point for Christianity is Christ-himself, so I do not get bent out of shape when a so-called Christian is disgraced for personal reasons.


Is that enough dancing around? Are you finally ready for my response? "Anemic" might be too strong a word, but my capacity for faith and the exercise thereof, definitely has room to grow. I worry about things that shouldn't trouble me. I'm not worried about whether I will go to heaven, but when it comes to the small stuff concerning God's provision or timing, I need this frequent reminder:
"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Matthew 6:26


In other words, my faith is such that my knees wobble from time to time, but the ground upon which I stand is solid, despite my weakness. I rest assured, knowing that my faith is not based on what I can't do, but on what He has done.
His eye is on the sparrow, but I know he watches me.


Maggie May said...

Yes, I agree that we should keep our eyes on Jesus.It is a human characteristic to worry & I do my share, but the sermon on the mount, concerning the sparrows, should remind us to be dependent on him & ideally we should be carefree in the knowledge that He is looking after us.
Christianity is a journey & we never arrive "at the top", but we move onward & upward a little at a time & often slip back a few paces.
That was a brilliant post & very helpful. Thank you!

imac said...

Very enlightning post Craver.

david mcmahon said...

I was taught my faith as a child, but it has been rchly sustained and enriched by my experiences as an adult.

Loved your Good Friday shot. Now THAT is art. Great vision, good camera work.

L.L. Barkat said...

I like that last thought about the ground being steady even when you're not. I'm going to take that with me into the evening.

Lin said...

I guess if we were perfect, we wouldn't worry, ever. Good thing for me at least that He knows that.

virtual nexus said...

Good post. Liked your comment on Imac's about getting a black belt in Haiku....!

mommanator said...

Anemic- I doubt that! not by the posts I have read, you are hardly anemic- thats one of the reasons I started readin your posts- felt we had a common view on faith etc!
I always come back to my favorite scriture "be still and KNOW that He is God"- when we start doubting- just be still!

Cath said...

Hi Craver- I came over from your interview with David. Which is brilliant btw and love the photo. Great family.
This post is just so true. Strong as sparrows - or stronger - as long as we keep God in front of us.
Like you, like everyone, sometimes faith is "wobbly" but if we keep focussed, He will guide us, give us what we need (be it strength, courage or a means to help ourselves), just like he does for sparrows.
Thank you for this.