Monday, March 24, 2008

egg hunt

What is this little boy doing? Why, he's hunting for Easter eggs of course! And those Easter eggs don't stand a chance!


Friends, I hope you had an enjoyable Easter Weekend. As for me, I was enraptured by the overwhelming significance of the resurrection. Jesus did not merely "escape" his mortality; he died... and on the third day, he conquered death by his resurrection! In other words, death got spanked--big time!!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Cute picture and explanation. Thanks for the visit and your comments. I do feel sorry you have never fished for fish but looks like you are a fisher of men from reading your blog.

L.L. Barkat said...

Now that's a way to hunt Easter eggs. My oh my.

Anonymous said...

Craver -- I felt overwhelmed by the truth of Jesus' resurrection this year as well. Death can seem like an overwhelming enemy unless we rest in the truth that death has already been defeated.

Love the Easter egg hunt picture, too!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Craver Vii

Have a Happy Week, after Easter!!!

Look it:



mommanator said...

you better watch it the gun control bunnies will be getting after you for allowing a child to have a play gun!
I am in wonder every time I think of HIM dieing a raising again for ME!

Craver Vii said...

Mommanator, I'd like to respond to that real quick:

Toy-gun control for children. I'm more of a swordsman, but I had toy guns as a child, and my heroes were the Lone Ranger, James Bond and Starsky & Hutch. Still, I think I turned out alright; I have not contributed in any way to crime or violence, and to date, I have certainly not killed anybody. Of course, the day ain't over yet. Jesting aside, I am careful to honor the rules other parents set for their households. My wife would prefer that we did not have any toy guns at all, but graciously acquiesced to my choices for our home.

Gun control and the second amendment... perhaps we'll go there another time.

Marcus Goodyear said...

Looks like that little guy would do well in the Texas style egg hunts we have. Would you believe I live near a town called Hunt?

Guys around here go to Hunt to hunt. No kidding.

Daniel J Santos said...

poor easter eggs...

have a great week.

mommanator said...

hey craver, just jesting! ya know my daughter is adamant about her kiddos not having toyguns, however she has a marksman status & played with toy guns as a child, and I think her normal.
I love target shooting, and think we should be able to bear guns, I just wish someone could get guns out of the hands of criminals and the insane!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Love this photo! I just read the interview over at David's and had to come by and say "Hi". Hi. I really enjoyed your answers and look forward to reading more of your blog (the glib and the one's you've sweat over).