Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Look carefully. What do you see here? I see an aggressive little fishie attacking an unarmed man. Please, people! Be careful around ponds. Wear thick leather or rubber gloves and safety goggles. Now, as firearms tend to be frowned upon by law enforcement, you should probably carry a harpoon strapped around your shoulders. Who knows, but it may be you next. Thankfully, this man survived!


Enjoy the outdoors this spring, but stay alert for tiny, but zealous fish that lunge out at unsuspecting people on the beaches.


More helpful advice: (This was sent to me by email.) - Basic Flying Rules: "Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there."


Leftovers tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha.. you are soooooo funny !! Where do you get these ideas from ?

I hope you still remember me. I was traveling most of the last one month but have been reading all posts.
The photo in previous one post has come out well after editing.

orneryswife said...

Pretty funny, Craver. I liked the flying instruction. I'll be sure to let Ornery on the computer long enough to check it out. He's been MIA from the blogosphere since he got back from Florida, and now that we are down to one computer, he's really off the air!

Anonymous said...

Who knew that being outdoors this spring could be so dangerous!!!

Perhaps I better just stay inside so that my digits all remain intact (I don't even own a harpoon) and I won't get pummeled by an airplane trying to fly on the edges of the air!!! :D