Monday, April 28, 2008


The weekend was great! There was a lot of good things that I could talk about. But sleeplessness, a woozy stomach, and a headache that won't quit have me feeling a bit tired and sluggish this morning. Let's see if I can get my act together by tomorrow.


Craver Vii said...

No, it's not a hangover.

lime said...

eesh, we have that going on too....

dot said...

Take two aspirin, drink lots of fluids and call me in the morning.

Carletta said...

So sorry to hear you're feeling a little worse for wear.
I love that you still managed to let your humorous side show with the chosen photo.
Feel better Craver.
Leaving here smiling....

donsands said...

It's a rainy day here in Baltimore, and Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.

Hope you feel better soon Craver. And you should pour some salt on that slug.

imac said...

Too many beers - bier.

get well soon.

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mommanator said...

hope yer feeling better now the day is almost over

Sharon said...

Hope you are feeling better. I have a horrible cold, so I can relate!