Tuesday, April 29, 2008

tanks a lot

Thanks for the kind sentiments. I feel much better today.


Great news! S2 got baptized Sunday!! Plus, I was the one to dunk him! I was filled with all kinds of good-feeling mushy stuff inside. Since I couldn't take a picture AND do the dunking, I grabbed a shot from the inside of the booth, before going into the big tank. It was tempting to say Delmar's line from O Brother, Where Art Thou? "C'mon in boys, the water is fine."


While we're on the subject of tanks, I tried to capture a decent shot of illuminated fish tanks at the pet store, but that was tougher than you might think. The room was not bright directly overhead, but there were plenty of distant lights that reflected off the glass. Plus some tanks were smudgy.


lime said...

congrats on the dunking! how special that you got to perform it. our first one went under a few weeks ago. it is an exciting and happy occasion. :)

dot said...

That's great news and certainly a wonderful occasion! Glad you are feeling better.

Llama Momma said...

Congratulations to your son, Craver. That's awesome.

Shammickite said...

Congratulations to both father and son.
When I was in Israel, I saw people being dunked/baptised in the River Jordan. Quite a moving experience for the dunkees.

Craver Vii said...

"Dunkee." I like that! Yes, it was out of this world to have that experience with my dunkee-monkey.

And congratulations to Lime, too! (I was thinking about doing that meme of yourn, since I was sleepless this weekend, and that was one of your qualifiers.)

Feeling better, but incredibly busy... more than usual! I might have to skip Leftovers this week. Maybe Skywatch too.

Anonymous said...

Craver -- Exciting news about the baptism -- for the dunkee AND the dunker.

I love the aquarium pic, too. You have done such a nice job on all of these photos.

mommanator said...

hey Craver lots like you are having a Fishy week!

mommanator said...

What a blessing for your whole family!

Cuckoo said...

Congratulations to both of you !!!

I hope you are feeling better now but don't be over busy ! :P