Tuesday, May 06, 2008


This worm in the grass was photographed at 11PM. Yes, POST meridian, and it was pitch black outside, too. After a hectic and rainy day, I went to sit out in the cool night air, and after my eyes adjusted, I noticed the worms on the sidewalk. Using a penlight, I found this one in the grass, manually focused, and turned the flash on. Voila! "The darkness has seen a great light!"


Speaking of exposure, I was talking to my chiropractor friend. He said that during x-rays, women wear a smock, but his gentlemen patients forego the modest attire because they think it looks like a dress. I told him it should be plaid. That way, they can pretend they're wearing a kilt! Aye Laddie!


[Click to enlarge the photo and see if you can find a second worm. I did.]


Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Glad your comments button is working again!

I think I dug up a few of those yesterday working on the post hole for the new mailbox - may he crawled over from my house to yours!

Craver Vii said...

I do not know exactly where you live, Halfmom, but I am guessing that it could be very close to the Craver Castle, because I saw you in your car just a few days ago, and you were only about four blocks away.

lime said...

i once wrote and ode to the earthworm. it's that whole madness/genius thing again. i can see you dance around the same border.

as for the chiro. i have a cousin who is one and had a practice in both sweden and scotland for a while. she said over their people take their clothes off just to get adjusted. they feel cheated if you adjust them with clothes on. who knew?

dot said...

Nasty slimey creepy crawlers! They make good fish bait tho and yes I do bait my own hook.

Shammickite said...

Ewww I'm not very keen on worms, but I hear they are full of protein and can be used to supplement the protein in our diet.... once we have eaten everything else.
The first rainy day of the spring is dubbed "Worm Day"... that's the day when you can't walk along the sidewalk without stepping on a dozen worms with each footfall! YUCCKKK.

david mcmahon said...

Lucky they weren't kilt!

L.L. Barkat said...

WHAT? They forego wearing protection against radiation? Because of that? Now I've heard it all.

Love the little creature photo. :)

Craver Vii said...

No, not the lead apron, Silly. Of course we'll wear THAT! It's like a hospital gown, and it's just for modesty. Especially because them buckles, zippers, clasps, hooks, buttons and underwires interfere with the x-rays.

imac said...

Novel idea, photograph worms, mmm, I'm at the moment photographing my Frogsporn(now Tadpoles) soon will have their little legs growing, then jumps alive - watch out.

We were at Belvoir castle on tues,pop over to my blog and see.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, the worms are comin'!

Yeah, once I was helping as a student to give air to a patient and they gave me an apron and I had no clue. It was embarrassing.

Hey, I blogged on L.L.'s book today, the 7th.

donsands said...

Funny that Robins eat only these worms for their diet? Whatsup with that you think?

Have a good and godly day Craver.

mommanator said...

dont the kiddos love to get a worm and inspect? my grandson got one not too long ago and had to put in
a jar and carried all the day long and forbade me to set back out side- poor creature