Monday, June 09, 2008

first catch

After Sunday's fierce storms, we walked over to the local park with one of our closest friends. This day was to be filled with adventure for each of us. On one cast, the kids lost the top half of their pole. Not permanently-- I was able to retrieve it from the water. Only a few casts before that, they tangled their line real bad, and I had to cut some off, then they lost a lure at the bottom of the weeds.


I wasn't doing much better. Somebody neglected to clean up after their dog and I stepped right in the middle of it! My rod segments stayed intact, but on one cast, the reel assembly came apart and went flying into the water. I thought for sure that I would have to buy a new one, but with a little patience, I salvaged all the pieces and reassembly was successful. While trying to fix my mess, a young man walked up to me and began a conversation. Between paying attention to him and keeping an eye on the kids, I stabbed myself with a fishhook. Nothing major-- it wasn't deep enough to snag the barb.


Until Sunday evening, I had a perfect (zero) record for catching fish. Lo and behold, this time I finally caught one!! I asked S2 to snap a picture, and then quickly released the little bluegill back into the water.


The kids watched the tadpoles for a little longer before we packed up our gear and walked home. For the most part, I'd say it was a good day. Now about that shoe...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations !!!


Lara said...

Hey, congrats! I can imagine the fish stories at your work today: "It was thiiiiis big!" (said with arms spread wide).

And wouldn't you know, this terrible fisherwoman caught a bluegill over the weekend too. Looked a lot like the one you got. After dropping the little bluegill back in the lake (and telling him to head your direction... just kidding), I cast again and caught another little fish (a crappie, I think).

The fish were definitely biting on our lake. My D1 managed to get a two-pound largemouth bass. It was a beauty!

Craver Vii said...

Thanks, Cuckoo. It was a great time. I love that boat photo on your blog! It's an old fishing boat, right?

Hmmm... I must go to this lake, AMM. Did you know that I saw Llama Momma yesterday? I don't know Wilyhacker personally. At least not as well as I would like. Maybe he and I can visit that lake in Naperville some time. We could arrange that via email, if he's interested.

lime said...

sounds like it was a fun day, except for the dog poo, and the fish hook....but good times spent together are priceless.

Anonymous said...

very good fish story!


mommanator said...

looks like a sunny to me

a fisher of men- sounds like it is at least that hard!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the fact that we are now proud grandparents of tadpoles. Did you know that tadpoles love to eat boiled lettuce? Thanks alot :)

Craver Vii said...

You know what, Lime? S2 goes with me a lot, and I believe this is good for him, but these are Peter Pan-ish "happy thoughts" for me as well.

Nancy, I've been obsessed with fishing lately, haven't I? Now, I'm entertaining thoughts of worm-farming in order to keep supplying live bait for the fishies.

Mommanator, you're not the first one to suggest that it was a sunfish. Hence, I looked it up and discovered that bluegills are a variety of sunfish... so you're RIGHT!

To the Anonymous tadpole grandparent: I am SO sorry! I began to hem and haw about allowing them to take the tadpoles, but figured they would lose them on the way home. S2's tadpoles have already croaked. ;-)

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

wow - now that's a FISH! I agree with nancy - it will make a very good fish story!

have a report for you to edit very shortly - need to put together the appendix and it will be ready for you and the rest to read and then we can submit - i am excited to get it done!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh geesh i love the step in the doo doo, i just hate it when people don't clean up after there furry friends.

Marcus Goodyear said...

Thanks for the comment. It's always good to hear from you, man. And this post is making me think I need to go buy two poles and park myself at the Guadulupe's edge for awhile with my son...