Sunday, September 14, 2008

Today's Flowers

seeing red
Here's a new-ish feature that my friend Luiz Santilli Jr. is doing. It's called Today's Flowers. Check it out.


Louise said...

Excellent photography, and I love the red!

Anonymous said...

very vibrant!

dot said...

Wow, those are gorgeous! Your pictures seem to be getting better. Is your wife taking them?? lol

mommanator said...

pretty pics! I love fall flowers!

Mona said...

what a vibrantly beautiful color those flower display! Great photos!

Makes me think...that how many lovely colors our humble brown earth holds inside itself!!

Mona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Beutiful red ones.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Beautiful shots in red for TF, well done.

Shammickite said...

I've seen this feature fefore, quite a few bloggers do it... but if it's sky on Froday, and flowers on sunday, and odd shots on another day and ABCs on wednesday... when do you ever get to post whet you really want to say about your own life??? Thats why I never join those things.
Nice red flowers, BTW.

Craver Vii said...

When do I put up the regular posts Shammy? On either Tuesdays or Thursdays and every other Saturday. ;-)

The Today's Flowers host is a friend who asked a few times, and I took photos of flowers that I wanted to post. (I have more that I hope to post next week, too.) He asked a few times if I would participate, and I better do something now, because it will be too soon to take flower pics around here. Another reason I included it, is because I can schedule it for Sunday, even though I don't regularly blog on Sundays.

I wish I could do MORE of these things... Odd Shots, Friday 55, ABC's, etc. I really do; they're so much fun, especially meeting new people.

EG CameraGirl said...

And you are seeing gorgeous red, at that! Very nice. ;-)

Carletta said...

All of these are beautifully framed and I love that deep red on the first one!
I'm laughing at Dot's comment. :)

I saw Shammy's comment too and was going to tell you these would be good for a Ruby Tuesday post - I have red flowers tomorrow. :) So many memes, not enough time! God only created 7 days - ;)

Craver Vii said...

Yeah, I couldn't comment on Dot's comment Carletta, because there's some truth to it. I took these pictures myself, but I just can't understand how I will carefully and painstakingly labor at a thing, and then my better half waltzes in and matter-of-factly outperforms me. She does it in darts, art, photography, ...oh, all kinds of things... no matter how much effort I put into studying and practicing proper form! I'm glad she is my partner and not my competition.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love these beautiful red flowers!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Craver VII

Don't worry, my old friend!
Your flowers are the most beautiful in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
Close your ears for those comments!!!!!!!
You are "The Best"!!
