One thing I would like to do down there, is play catch. In my family, that is more likely to be with a football than a baseball. We might even use a frisbee. I like baseballs and mitts, though. As youngsters, my brother and I played a lot of catch (baseball with mitts), and I loved it..
Years ago, when I thought it was the right time, I began training my oldest son, so that I could pass on the tradition from his dad and uncle. He probably did not understand why I was so eager about this, and graciously tolerated a session that went on into the evening. Eventually, the streetlights had been turned on for our block. One pitch got lost in the glare, and wound up finding his face instead of the mitt. The season for playing catch was over. Maybe for good. He is nineteen now, and we never discovered what my brother and I shared as youths..
While we're in Florida, I want to visit. I want to relax, go on leisure walks, take pretty pictures, do a little reading. I hope and expect to do these things, but it would be nice this time, if my hopes don't turn out to be a baseball in anybody's face..
Hmmm... maybe I should buy them each a facemask.
have a good trip.
Have fun in Florida, Mommanator stays the weather is great.
May our Lord bless you with a pleasant time, and good memories Craver.
I got hit smack in the eye when I was in sixth grade playing catch. My eye was black and purple, and swelled up as big as an apple. Boy, did that hurt. And then going to school, the embarrassment, when the Nun who taught me told me, "Sands, take off those sunglasses!"
Why thank-you, Friends. :-)
Sandman, sunglasses or not, I'm sure you were always in a league of your own.
I have had my share of unhappy experiencing with playing catch. I can remember baseballs through garage windows and a golf ball breaking a car mirror.
The worst experience was shattering a living room bay window as my brothers and I were playing football inside.
hey the weather has turned awesome!
last eve we had the most unbelievable fog! We almost thought it was rain!
whilst playing baseball in the back yard with a dumb blonde friend who 'didn't know how to swing' and hit the ball I another dumb blonde said swing and she did right on my forehead- my folks were livid! what were you thinking!
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