Monday, August 09, 2010

away message

Craver-Vii will not have access to the internet on Tuesday. He will be away at a photography seminar. There is no image to post with this information because 'Braniac' failed to plan ahead, and did not even bother to carry his camera with him today... even though his daily medication is inside that bag! Please feel free to jeer, taunt and deride him. He deserves it.


imac said...

Ah well - he said it himself, such a day dreamer? lol. Enjoy.

Gaelyn said...

Hope he doesn't forget the camera for the photo class.

Shammickite said...

So we can expect photographic excellence in Craver's future posts, eh? It better be worth it, that's all I can say.

George said...

If you were as old as I am I would say you were having a senior moment. I look forward to seeing all the new techniques you're going to learn.

Craver Vii said...

That's true Imac. I have always had a propensity to sojourn through the imagination.

You know Gaelyn, I remembered the camera, but didn't need to use it. I snapped a few pics, since I was in Downtown Chicago, but I expected that we were going to go hands-on with our cameras... we didn't.

Always striving, Shammy. Of course, it would be easier with thousands of dollars worth of camera, lenses, and editing software. That will not deter me from going out there and having a good time. If I can remember some of the things she said, yes... it should be worth it. :-)

I'll see if I can post something about what I learned George. I can't claim "senior moments" yet, but I hope to earn that privilege some day.

mommanator said...

O what the heck everybody is permitted to forget sometimes, will be seeing ya