I tried something new this time. I wanted to shoot high-speed continuous, so I couldn't use flash. This shot is a composite, showing Denise coming out of the water. I did it by using the collage feature in Google's free Picasa program, but first I edited out my pastor, so that he was in the last frame, but gone from the other three shots. That's why you see movement from Denise, but not Pastor John..
A big thank-you to my buddy Pete, who pulled the microphone out of the picture for me. I like my images to have a simple subject and free from distracting clutter..
Next time I do this, I will try using brighter bulbs in the cans, and switch from spot meter to area meter. What about you? Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
With fantastic shots like that, I can't give advice my friend.lol
a really beautiful and touching photo!
great post!
hope you have a great rest of your day.
No advice from Jackie...only praises for your fine work! What a great idea, Craver.
I am going to 'borrow' it.
Love this!
I'm sure that Denise is absolutely delighted with it, too.
Congratulations all the way from New Zealand, for your outstanding work. You have shown us that perfection is possible after all.
Thank you for visiting us and sharing your thoughts. Please do so in the future and we shall certainly do the same.
73 de Skip ZL1AQ - Best wishes in Ham lingo!
This is a fabulous picture. I know I couldn't do as well.
Very impressive!
I get chills looking at this image. It just reaches out and touches you.
The coming up out of the water marks such a defining moment. To have it captured in such a way is just awesome.
Once this photo gets passed around you won't have to stalk out a spot - there will be one assigned to you permanently. :)
I have a lot of admiration for your taste and skill Imac. Please feel free to offer an opinion any time at all. If you want to be sensitive about a critical thought, emails are most welcome.
Thanks Betty. There is an emotional aspect to adult baptisms, isn't there?
I'd be honored if you find an idea worth trying, Jackie. What I like best about using this special effect for a baptism pic, is that it tells the story. I saw a multiple exposure in a friend's pic, but it wasn't clear what was going on, other than a special effect, but that's okay, too. I would definitely try a trick just for the sake of testing it.
Isn't is great Kiwi, how technology brings Chicago and New Zealand together? I'll have to remember that lingo. One of my neighbors has a super-tall antenna and his license plates indicates that he uses Ham radio.
Oh yes you could, George! The composite was a happy accident. I originally shot in continuous mode to select the best of the set, but later realized that I could pick a few and mix them in a collage.
Carletta, the strange thing is that there are at least three people (probably more) with much better cameras, but they just don't use them as much. I think they are more content to observe and participate in an event than to preserve the moment. That's where I'm different. I see baptisms as a big opportunity to give a gift of lasting remembrance.
I think you did a fine job!
Oh, I think that was a great idea. Love the "rising", the smiles shown on her way up. Very symbolic, very fitting.
Thanks, CameraGirl. I think it's too grainy, but some say I am too critical of my own photography.
Keen observation, Pearl. Thanks!
what a wonderful memento of an important occasion. great job! no suggestions!
Nice. When I first glance at the photo I immediately thought that was CJ Mahaney.
Have terrific Lord's Day Craver! Col. 3:1
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