Wednesday, October 01, 2014

forced perspective

forced perspective

October 1, 2014

This week's challenge selection is forced perspective - my selection.  Check out my pals for their interpretations on this theme: Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Lew, and Christine Anne.

Forced perspective is when a photo is composed in such a way that part comes across larger or smaller than it really is. A classic example is someone acting like he is lighting his cigarette with the torch from the Statue of Liberty. If it's not clear yet, I hope the pics I have here are helpful illustrations.

These pics are all kinds of fun! For my header, I asked my daughter to stand close to me, and hold her hand. I explained to her friend that from my perspective it would look like he was standing in her hand, so he teetered. The original background was very busy, so I took the file to a computer at the library and replaced the front of my house with my brother-in-law's.

*Below, you'll see the two shots I used for the header. The different background made a big difference, don't you think? (Thanks Tom, for suggesting I post the originals.)

Very low-tech. Hulk stood on a small step-stool 8 feet closer than the man with glasses.

A pretty pixie peeking out from giant paper flowers.

Standing in a field of "giant" pumpkins. Very dangerous... a guy could get squashed.

  Credit where credit is due... The giant pumpkins (or miniscule Craver) was done with a green screen and my wife's photo from a pumpkin patch.

An old fave. Daughter's hamster inside daughter's doll house. I lit it with a work lamp on each side.


Betty Manousos said...

i love your daughter's little doll house! and that header photo is just gorgeous!
happy tuesday my friend! :)

Jackie said...

I always love to see your creative work, Craver. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Fun take on the subject. I want to see the original photo from the top.

Craver Vii said...

*Good idea, Fishing Guy. That's in there, now.

George said...

Your header is fantastic -- very well done! I also like your photo of the "mini' Craver as well.

Lew said...

Love the hand stand! And the giant hamster.

HappyK said...

They are really great pictures. Love all the ideas but really like the header shot best. The hamster comes in at a very close second. : )

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

I think the original shot you set up is the best shot. I really couldn't understand the wall modification.

heritagemom said...

Nice pics, of course! I'm glad you told me how you got those. And it was good to see how you set up your header shot. Love the experimentation.

Shammickite said...

Love these shots especially the giant pumpkins breathing over your shoulder!