Personally, I have a litany of reasons for not dancing, even though Puerto Rican stereotypes have raised people’s expectations. No, by the time I hear about a popular cultural thing that all the cool people are doing, either it has ceased being the “in” thing or I just kill it dead.
It’s not that I don’t feel like dancing, but if you’ve ever seen me “move” without inhibition, you would know that it just ain’t right. Some things just ought to be left alone.
The blogosphere doesn’t shelter me from this awkward sensation. I will sometimes find a fun exchange of ideas, and when I put my two cents in, the conversation just stops. That’s not what I mean to do, so I beg your forgiveness if I’ve ever thrown a wet towel on your work.
I sometimes think of comment threads the way I think of non-competitive volleyball, badminton or ping-pong games. If I’m playing for fun, my goal is to keep the volley going for as long as possible. The longer the volley, the better. So, when I end up being the last commenter, a little voice inside says I “fouled out.”
I’ll stop babbling now. It’s silly; it’s shallow. But then, so is the Macarena. ;-)
Picture from artbible.info
Maybe your comments are just so erudite that everyone is awestruck by your insights and realises there is nothing more to be said.
Pshhhyeah, sure! Thanks a lot Jenn, for making me shoot water through my nostrils. Couldn't ya just burp like Even So...?
JD, lemme guess... faith burger with the works, hold the baloney, right?
Lately, I haven't been able to make the rounds through the blogosphere because of some new time constraints -- so by the time I get there, the conversation has already taken all kinds of wonderful twists and turns. Then I think, "I can't leave a comment now; it'll be the last one!" You're right -- pretty shallow. Yet another example of how the blogosphere is just a metaphor for junior high!
I also thought about just leaving a burp, but I rarely do so in public (real or virtual!).
Prayer request: Dr. (Ken) Horiuchi lost his grown son last year after a long painful battle with illness. Recently, his daughter-in-law (Sachiko) received the prognosis that she will probably die within two years. She has 3 children, I think they’re all elementary school age. Dr. Horiuchi was visiting the USA, when his heart trouble caused him to take a detour for an angiogram in the hospital, at around the time that he should have been boarding a plane to go back home (to Japan). I just found out that today, he had a 6-way bypass surgery. Mrs. (Ken) Horiuchi is with her husband and she does not speak English.
Please pray:
1) thanksgiving for successful surgery
2) for healing and God's protection
3) for recovery without complications or infection
4) for strength for Dr. Horiuchi and family
5) for attentive, accurate, effective care by the hospital staff
Well I can't very well burp after the prayer request, can I?
Praying for this man and his family...wishing life on earth wasn't so hard...
Ok Craver how do we continue this shallow post after that serious prayer request?
I'll start...didn't I see you last year at the church picnic wearing that lime green leisure suit with amthing shoes and of course that earring doing the maccarena. Which earring was it...hmmm? I think it was the red sparkly one that you wear for special occasions. Can't wait to see you wear it for Easter! (:-)
P.S. you can burp now llama, just don't spit!
Ok the "amthing" shoes...supposd to matching!! How's that slip by??
Ah macarena. Here those 90's kids thought they were so cool, and yet again Jesus says, "that was so yesterday."
I feel a company picnic dance coming on.
So it all comes back to dancing. I thought Craver had backed out of doing the dance of joy, and here he is bringing up dancing again...I'd think deep down, you really want to dance, Craver...
i can't say I've had the experience with being the last to comment, but I do feel that way sometimes when I post a comment somewhere and the blog author doesn't write a response. I need that affirmation that i made some sort of contribution to the discussion.
Please be sure to give us an update on your prayer request.
If you guys do the macarena at your next corporate outing, you've really *got* to post pictures.
Hearing about some of your antics with fruit, conversations, and the like make me wish I had a career in publishing ;).
Macarena! :]
Or maybe he's "giving him five." Or Jesus is saying the three words that dad's love to tell their children: "pull my finger."
New to the blogsphere but I think you do a dandy job at moderating and offering insight. I love the different opinions and the courtesy that is shown. And what's wrong with having the last word, (insert Sean Connery accent here) it's your space man!
Standing with you for Dr. Horiuchi and family. God is a good God.
I like being last. Just like 23 degrees. (Sorry, 23, you'll have to comment again now.)
Let go of the dancing, people; it’s not going to happen. Pete, you threw me for a loop when you mentioned fruit, but I think I figured it out. You were talking about Loud-time’s (He’s in publishing & on my side bar) recent post called What color is your pair of fruit?
For Now…, the llama spitting comment was absolutely priceless! Isn’t it great to have a amthing sense of humor?
23 degrees (as in Celsius = 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit?), I’m glad you like the ambiance. Thanks for the compliment! And thanks to each who prayed for Dr. Horiuchi. He won’t be high-fiving people for a while, as he is recuperating from a 6-bypass surgery. I got an update and this episode has been especially painful for Mrs. Horiuchi.
Spaghettipie, I’m glad you insisted on an update for the prayer request. I feel that it is just one more way to give God credit as we tell the story of how he answered prayer. And um, maybe deep down I do want to dance, but trust me; nobody needs to see that. :-)
Craver, like Charity, I've been away for far too long. Hilarious (and deadly serious) stuff here.
As to the hilarious: I find that dancing while wearing Lederhosen does wonders for my ability to appear foolish. Since the pants already take care of that.
As to the serious: My heart goes out to Dr. Horiuchi and his family. God bless them with a special measure of grace and endurance.
If you were part of our annual variety show, you would HAVE to dance... or at least move in time to the music. I spent yesterday evening teaching men to move and sing at the same time, not an easy task let me tell you. But you already know.... right?
Mark, lederhosen is also quite useful for picking a fight: "Whaddare YOU laughin' at, Pal!"
Oh Shammy! Good luck with the lessons. I've got these flashbacks now to a few dreadful high school musicals. Eh, talent aside, it was still loads of fun!
Craver, one click will figure 23 degrees out (notice my URL) ;]
L.L.—sorry bro, got the last spot.
Spaghettipie has already seen how I can’t leave cryptic pseudonyms alone.
(pensively scratching head) Gosh, I thought it might have something to do with your favorite temperature. Welp, lessee…
“every moment is a key moment and life itself is grace” Nah, that can’t be it.
“40-something artist that loves God, family and Frisbee” Could it be the angle of a favorite fresbee toss? Nope, 'cause that would just be silly.
Ah! Maybe the angle of head-shot… you’re not standing squarely in front of the camera, you’re at a 23 degree angle? WAIT!! No, it’s the axial tilt of our beloved third rock! Hence, the URL address: earthaxis.blogspot.com
That's it?? You picked a pseudonym based on that??? Ah well, whatever tilts yer planet, buddy. ;-)
My lovely wife is very right-brained and very artistic in a number of media. She has this brilliant ability to join into a rip-roaring, hilarious conversation, make what to her is a hysterical comment, and then discover everyone looking at her like she's an alien. I truly think right-brained people have a completely different sense of humor. Does that fit you?
Last comment?
By the way, bro, I had this great comment on war the other day and I totally forgot to post it. Ah, divine providence!
This ought to kill the comments!
You know, Even So, this would be an appropriate time for you to end all this the way you began it. :)
Kill the comments, Shiloh Guy?? Thou shalt not.
You know, I have no idea how right-brained, or left brained, or smack-dab center-field I am. In live situations, I don’t usually get awkward silence, though I’m sure my lunch cohorts make faces behind my back. Just kidding, I would never turn my back on anyone of such questionable character that they’re allowed to eat at my table.
Where was I? Oh yes, rip-roaring conversation. There is something admirable about the ability to generate a hearty guffaw. It is greater still, to be able to take a room that is laughing ‘till it almost hurts, and masterfully weave their hearts back into a serious topic. I tried that at our department meeting last week, and it seemed that everybody still had one or two funny things they wanted to add.
Ahem, Even So... would you do the honors?
(exits to the tune of Wild Cherry's Play that funky music, white boy)
And for a brief moment the axis of our big blueberry shifts to 23.7 degrees...
Excuse you—and nice one!
I tell ya what man... I didn't have rythm (or didn't think I did) until I started to try and play drums and guitar...
I suddenly found out I have some rythm... but it still needs to be fine-tuned.
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