But I could not remain blue for the little bugger, because this portrayal of death was impersonal, not a friend or family. This poor little (imaginary) bird caused me to think about death in general, but what if this is not the end of the story? What if this is only a reminder of what happened (and stayed) in the past? Now my countenance could not remain heavy.
This time, as well as many other times, the topic of death has served to remind me that for some of us, death is a foe that has been conquered. God did it for several people in the Bible, including Jesus’ friend Lazarus, and the most spectacular raising from the dead was when Jesus raised Himself. God is in the business of resurrections. Not just physically, so that death is temporarily delayed, but better, so that we may live eternally, and one day even enjoy a new, glorified physical body.
Death happens. But when someone was already dead, and then raised back to life, imperishable… that’s front page news! That’s why I look at this painting and rejoice. I once was dead in my sin/transgressions, but God, in his incredible mercy and grace, chose to give me eternal life when I believed in Jesus Christ, His Son.
I looked at that bird as it was… dead. Then, I imagined this picture, not as the end, but as a beginning. When you look at the smokey colors, what do you see? Is that life evaporating, or God’s breath of regeneration coming down? I choose to see that blend of colors as the anticipation of new life.
I like what you said -
"God is in the business of resurrections"
Thanks for reminder that death, while still a present reality has no lasting sting.
This is an excellent post, brother.
this is a unique positive view, and I'm glad you found this message from the colors on paper. When I made this piece, I also was thinking of a regeneration of energy, as it leaves one form, it goes on to become something new: the circle of life.
I appreciate you asking for permission and letting me know about your post :) Your view on life seems really positive and uplifting.
Great watercolor.
Sometimes, there are parts of us that have to die never to be brought back. Something completely new must be created in its place. Just a little thought... not particularly on topic.
Thanks people. And Ester, sure I've got a fairly positive outlook. I feel like I've been given the answer to life, the universe, and everything. No, it's not 42; it's Jesus. Not my own version of Him, but the real God and man, as He reveals Himself in the Bible. I hope that doesn't sound too religious, but candles aren't made for hiding.
LL, good point. Anyone care to venture into that?
I think the way LL phrased it is right. God conquers death not simply by just bringing back to life but by redeeming and birthing a new creation.
Behold if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away and behold, the new has come. (somewhere in 2 Corinthians, I think)
He doesn't just do away with our sin, he brings us into righteousness.
Also, in coming to life in Christ-we must die to our sins (or rather-be dying to sin).
The bird reminded me of a time when a sparrow hit my window. I ran outside to see if it was ok. It had broken its neck and died in my hands. I criiieeed (and I was an adult, not a child). To see something so full of life suddenly fade away is so horrible. Death is ghastly, yet not final, for those who love God.
My first child died, in my womb. I realized, then, how utterly vile death is and that it was not part of God's original plan for our lives, but the costly consequences of a world in sin. Yet what hope and peace His grace affords us. What joy to realize that I will see my child one day.
I heard a Michael Card song this morning where he sang,
"It's hard to imagine
the freedom we find
from the things we leave behind."
The apostles "died" to a life they once knew, and the future they expected, but they could never have imagined the greater things from God's plan.
Bang on, Craver!
Great thoughts, Craver. I love how you center on the resurrection in Jesus for us and for all creation. Thanks!
Thanks for the canoe picture link, you lucky lucky boy! I would have loved to have been on that trip!
Happy, glorious easter, my friend. Thanks for blogging in such a Christ centric way.
It is so funny how different we all are - my first thought, before even reading the entry, also was sad
but immediately, the second thought was - "but God knows he's dead because he's a sparrow, so it's ok" ala Matt 10:19; Luke 12:6,7
It is good to have a brief respite from the horrors that have been work these part few weeks. Perhaps I also will be able to post again shortly - there's this "halfmom" thing to tie up.
Beautiful thoughts. Have a blessed easter!!
I think of the metaphor of a seed dying in order to birth a plant. It's no longer a seed, but it lives on to create new seeds. This is how I see resurrection.
Resurrection is such a broader concept than "the circle of life," though. An individuals death may fuel life in others, to be sure, but he also gets a new life himself! What a miracle!
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