When I got there from work, the game was already in progress, and the parents were losing 4 to 2. I announced that if the kids won, they would be grounded..
My son and I joined the game, and each of us was goalies. His team rotated, but the parents kept the same positions. That was a blessing for me, because I have terrible knee problems, and goal tending does less harm to me than running. But I still got up sore this morning..
We all played hard and had tons of fun. Saturday will be their last game of the season. I will miss watching the kids at practice and games every week. They are not only getting good exercise, but we received special training through the Positive Coaching Alliance, and that gives the sport a much more enjoyable atmosphere..
Mrs. Craver and I were able to make friends with some new people. I even saw a fellow blogger on the field once. His wife recognized me from the picture. I felt famous, it put me on cloud nine!.
I won't be near a computer today and through most of the weekend, but I'll check in when I get a chance. I wouldn't mind seeing yesterday's book burning dialog continued. Play nice and have fun. As long as you do, we all win in the end..
For those who must know the score, I think we tied, it was hard to know for sure, because at the practice field, we use cones instead of a net. But someone else said the final score was 7-6 in favor of the parents. I will celebrate with ibuprofen. The parents versus kids soccer scrimmage..
Image by Jaki Good
I have three playing soccer...my daughter plays goalie (she's a senior this year) and S1 and S2 play in middle school. All I can say is the difference between 6th grade soccer and the 8th grade games I saw were SCARY!!! Testosterone really comes into play then. :) But I wouldn't change it. Watching them play is a lot of fun.
What fun! We sometimes have back yard scrimmages. As much as I love watching my kids games, getting on the field with them has given me a whole new appreciation of their skills. D2 is very skilled with her footwork and is speedy, making her much tougher to defend against.
Enjoy your weekend. No book burning in this house, just book hiding.
Sounds like fun! (Not the ibuprofin, but the game itself.)
Enjoy the weekend! It should be beautiful. And don't worry about your blog. I'm sure it will be just fine while you're away. (whistling...)
Famous! On the soccer field. But not, I see, for soccer. How blogging has saved your reputation, eh? :)
Thanks for the sidebar Craver - that was very sweet!
Hope to be back home later Saturday night - so see you Sunday.
Today I got to go motorcycle riding through the blueridge mountains for 50 miles on the back of a 3 wheel Harley - O was on the back of a normal one - it was awesome - how can anyone look at scenery like this and not believe is beyond my comprehension!
I've heard of baseball, football, and basketball. What is soccer?
Hi Craver,
7-6 scoreline - hope you didn't need an ice pack!
not confessing to cannabalism (at least not at this point), just to joking about my poor sentence structure - and, it would be lovely if you and Mrs Craver would like to come to dinner sometime - contrary to popular belief, I actually can cook - quite well!
Hi Craver,
Followed you here from David's site. My two daughters who are now a bit gorwn up (emphasis on "a bit") are not sporty. Neither am I although I would prob be happy running around a bit in a scrimmage. You sound like the kind of father any little bot would wish t have... Lucky him! :)
I am from the Philippines, by the way but have not lived there for almost 14 years now, I am a global nomad!
cheers, will visit again soon...
It's funny but when I was at the Village fair recently someone asked my friend if I was Martin and it turned out they were a fellow blogger from South Devon, Fame at last!!
Martin, pretty cool, isn't it?
AMM, one of the benefits of playing with them is to demonstrate the fun of it all. They see how we hustle, race, fall, and strain ourselves, laughing all the time... even when they beat us. They probably learn good sportsmanship this way than if they only play with their peers.
Llama Momma, no, ibuprofen is not fun, but it does have a candy-like shell...
LL, I don't know. She didn't say that she liked or approved of my blog, just that she read it. Hmmmm...
Halfmom, Sure th- hey, you're closer, would you smack Jazzycat for me? Maybe that will jog his memory. "What is soccer?"
David, I was busy Friday and Saturday with house-chores and weeding. I didn't have a spare minute to whine about the side effects of longevity.
Phaseoutgirl, would you rather be called Cecilia or be addressed by your pseudonym? Being a global nomad, you will hopefully find a nice batch of mixed nuts here. Thanks for the visit. See ya!
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