Tuesday, December 04, 2007

gift of hope



Come and do some shopping this Saturday, December 8, from Noon 'till 8PM. Sorry, but it's limited to live, onsite participants only. Click here for more information. Basically, it's an opportunity to enjoy Christmas shopping, and simultaneously generate living gifts of AIDS medicine, clean water, Bibles, books, etc.


If you live beyond Chicago and the Western suburbs, and cannot attend, I hope you visit the site anyway. Perhaps you can find or do something similar in your area.


orneryswife said...

While I would love to be there to participate in this wonderful outreach, I am NOT willing to drive the 800 or so miles IN THE SNOW to get there. Up hill. Both ways. and all that. :-)

sure glad you have started visiting Miller Manor--and leaving comments. I love me some comments!

Raising Cains said...

thanks for the link craver. it was quite a success, raising $7000 in hope this christmas for families around the world. hope for the holidays indeed!

Craver Vii said...

Impressive! Thanks for the opportunity to spread the word.