Monday, December 03, 2007

stellar doppelgänger

In my last post, I issued a challenge to figure out how I produced a picture. The wording was carefully chosen to suggest it was an enhanced view of the night sky. If my scheme worked, I misled you; I'm a fraud! That's not what it was at all! You see, I was taking pictures of a Christmas tree at a mall in Kentucky, and the first shot was underexposed. It looked to me like a night sky, especially after enhancing the contrast and making the picture darker. Voilà! The secret has been revealed!


Today's picture is the one I snapped after adjusting the exposure. Incidentally, this is the third post in a row, using a picture from that same tree.


Say, is anybody doing Advent messages?


Advent links:


Craver Vii said...

Photography and/or astronomy buffs: My widest aperture is 2.8 and longest exposure is 8 seconds. An even longer exposure is probably necessary for really good pictures of the stars. Not only that, but I understand that I would need an additional piece of equipment. A special tripod attachment can follow the rotation of the earth, to make the stars "stand still" for the longer exposures. They say that another way to track motion is by mounting your camera to one of these computerized telescopes. That would be so cool. It would be better still if you could make the camera "see" the magnified image from the telescope.

Cuckoo said...

You a fraud, eh ?

Good that I didn't answer your prev question, I couldn't have come closer to what you've explained. :D

Shammickite said...

Hi Mr Craver, thanks for your kind welcome, it's good to be back.... I think.... it's really COLD here in Canada so perhaps I should have stayed in sunny Florida! I love your Christmas Tree pic.... but is it really that time again? Time certainly flies.

Lara said...

Okay, I would never have guessed. I'm impressed with your ability to turn a photography goof into something cool.

Andrew said...

Nice work with the photo. I need to learn how to use Photoshop! Since you asked about Advent messages, I'm assuming that means Advent-themed blog posts. I've got part of a Bonhoeffer sermon up on mine.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Thanks, Craver. I look forward to more you share related to this season. What a wonderful celebration we have for such a wondrous event!

donsands said...

Sometimes a picture isn't worth a thousand words.

Thanks for the photography lesson bro.

I'm a photo taking geek. but I'm thinking of writing to Sanat for a new camera this Christmas. Any suggestions?
I saw one in Consumer Reposts, a Nikon D40, which I thought may be a good one.

Craver Vii said...

Clever Cuckoo. Perhaps I can snare a comment from you in a future gimmick. But about the self-charges of being a "fraud," only inasmuch as I intentionally deceived people to think that a Christmas tree was the night sky. Perhaps I tossed that word around too lightly, but you know how sometimes I just like to be goofy.

You know, Shammy, it was difficult to know how to cheer your return, because as glad that I was to see that you had come back, I knew that it was all for selfish reasons. It's almost like welcoming a patient back to the hospital... not so much fun for the patient. But as warm as it was in Florida, you bring your own brand of warmth to Canada. By the way, it will be snowing here (near Chicago) for the next few days.

Heyyyy, are you calling me names, AMM? ;-)

Craver Vii said...

Thanks for the info, Andrew. You have been linked.

You are so prolific, Ted. I hope to stay on top of your messages, as there is much I can learn about Advent. Some approach this season as something bittersweet, but once the caroling starts, endorphines take away all the bitter edges. I hope to borrow some of your wisdom so that my celebration is more substantive.

Pa-leeeease, Don. That was SO not a lesson... more like a documentation of a slip-up masquerading as helpful information. I wish I could help you about what kind of camera to get, but I have two cameras. A film camera that Mrs. Craver and I bought in 1987, and a digital hand-me-down that I got for free. I'm not much of a shopper for cameras, or any other electronic goodies.

L.L. Barkat said...

Just reading them. (Advent messages, that is.)

donsands said...

"more like a documentation of a slip-up masquerading as helpful information."

I knew that.
Not really.

I have been blessed with the spiritual gift of 'naivete'.