Monday, December 31, 2007

new year's ignition

My wish for the new year is that God would ignite fresh life into His people.


There is no "resolution" per se for 2008. I don't usually do those kinds of things anyway, though I wonder each year, whether this time I should think of a new year's resolution. The thing is, if I have something that I felt I needed to do, like lose weight, or more exercise, why wait until the next calendar year? If it is a worthwhile venture, why not begin right away?


This weekend, while hearing/singing the words "Don't let my love grow cold. I'm calling out; light the fire again. Don't let my vision die. I'm calling out; light the fire again." it came to me, that the change I want is not one that is put on by me in an external way. My desire is to be changed from within. At first glance, it looks like we are simply talking about motivation, but it's more than that.


I want to be more consistent about Scripture reading, pray harder, forgive better, etc. The Holy Spirit is the one who brings these changes about. And He is God, not an it.


Let me put it this way, if this were a car race, my emphasis is not about trying harder to push to the finish line, it's more about making sure that God is in the driver's seat for 2008.


Light the Fire Again by Brian Doerksen © 1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing


Llama Momma said...

I can answer that "why not start losing weight right away" question.

Because there's still christmas fudge on the counter, of course.

Anonymous said...

buckle-up and hold on tight!

Lin said...

That was a beautiful sentiment, Craver, simply beautiful.

And, on a more earthly level, I hope that you can rekindle the flame within your home furnace. Let me know if you need moral or some techno support on that front. If nothing else, I might be able to make you laugh about it!

Every Square Inch said...


Thanks for sharing your New Year thoughts

Happy New Year!

orneryswife said...

It is surely a tandem role we play with God. He depends on our trust in Him and willingness to obey, and we depend on his grace and mercy. Together we can do great things, including draw closer to Him.

Best blessings to you as you work on attaining that closer relationship. I do believe Life in Him is going to be great in 2008!

mommanator said...

Craver- I ade almost the same resoultions! and I really don't even know you. However this has been burning in my heart. Even our pastor spoke on it!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Craver and Mrs.!

jazzycat said...

Well said Craver. Happy New Year.

Lara said...

Well said Craver. I was thinking the same myself just moments ago.

Happy New Year!

L.L. Barkat said...

I'm not much for resolutions either, but it's always interesting to reflect back at certain junctures, and the New Year provides that landmark for us.

Where would you like Him to drive you?

Craver Vii said...

Good question, LL. I should ask God where HE would like to go, then welcome the journey.