A flock of birds was playing one morning. They were dashing back and forth in unison. If it was only one bird, we'd call it random, but they were in a pretty tight formation, like a carefully choreographed performance. What caught my eye was the bird on the far right. It was a white pigeon, while the rest were all dark. I was hoping for a picture, when all of the sudden, the light turned red, and they posed for me on the wires. Silly pigeons, they're facing the wrong way. Oh well, at least they're not like Martin's
bad birds who go around whacking people with a stick. Do you see what I'm talking about in my picture, how the one on the far right stands out?
This is not intended to be a political forum, but if anyone wants help with the current US Presidential candidates... if one has not stood out from the others, I might have something helpful for you. Someone forwarded this link to me. It's a survey called
Select A Candidate from Minnesota Public Radio.
The survey does not tell you who to vote for. It simply tells you how the candidates line up according to your own preferences. Check it out.
Wes and I both did this and interestingly enough, the first choice for both of us was the candidate we're really hoping for anyway...which was cool because it wasn't like we were trying to answer in the way that would match up with that candidate, we just answered how we really felt.
Hey Mrrr, click on "Rook's Nest." She's in my sidebar. She posted something about redheads.
That was fun. I had McCain first and then Thompson a close third.
I'd like to see Fred Thompson as President and Ron Paul as vice president. Perhaps together they could help with reducing the incredible debt while protecting this nation from the crazy nuts who want to blow us up.
But I don't know, I'm not into politics that much. I do get heated up a bit about policies, but I'm not very informed.
It was kinda interesting in that my boss, Jazzycat, scored 2 points higher than any democrat!
I'm really hoping for a Huckabee/Obama Matchup for the November elections. That would be quite a race.
Politics aside, I think this is a very cool picture that highlights FORM.
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