Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brrrrrring on the ccccold!

It is really cold here right now. When I let the dogs out this morning, one looked up at me and asked if she could stay inside and pee on the carpet just this one time.


I wore a smile that lasted the whole morning drive today. Do you know why? As I stepped outside my house, the sun made me squint, and the sub-zero windchill froze my face that way for almost an hour.


It wasn't "snowing," per se, but light flurries blew across me, and some came close enough to see that they weren't single flakes, but rather, they were huddling together in pairs, because it was too cold to go alone.


I'm not complaining about the cold, really. I love it here. But the sound of millions of peoples' teeth chattering is not as an endearing sound as summer crickets, you know what I mean?


lorenzothellama said...

Hi Craver! Those icicles are really spectacular! Just don't stand underneath one while they are melting.

Llama Momma said...

Is it Spring yet????

I don't know how much more this llama can take.

Lara said...

You know all that rain we got on Sunday that flooded things around here? I've now got a good skating pond out in the field behind my house. And I'd get out my skates today to try it, but...it's too cold!

imac said...

Hey Craver, these are fantastic sickels, just hanging there to be snapped off and suck(like we did when we were kids).Super post and the way of words brill.

Craver Vii said...

When I saw the these, I quickly grabbed my camera and checked out a few photo angles, even some that were very close, but 'Renzo, I was careful not to put myself in danger of getting impaled by ice.

Hang in there LM! You might want to don an alpaca shawl or poncho in the meantime.

I did not see the weather reports, and Sunday's rain made me think that it was all going to melt away and things would get warmer and I would soon begin battling the dandelions. Silly me! Stay warm. AMM, do you find that skating skills make a person less likely to slip and fall?

Brill?! Thank-you, Imac! (I had to look it up to discover that "brill" is British slang for "cool.") But I'm hardly cool. As a kid, I was too much of a germaphobe to imbibe water that didn't come from the faucet.

dot said...

WOW! Those are some fantastic icicles!
Love your writing and your sense of humor!

L.L. Barkat said...

I love the cold. But then the cold here is not quite like the cold there!

Anonymous said...

At least your dog asked to pee on the carpet.........

Jennwith2ns said...

My senior year at Wheaton, it was so absurdly cold that it was impossible to identify anyone walking around campus, we were all so bundled up. And the heating broke in Jenks Hall and we had write Greek with our gloves on. BUT . . . when the winter broke, we actually got a glimpse of the aurora borealis (probably 'cause we were relatively close to Aurora . . . ) It was gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

that's cold! good shot of the ice.

keep smilin'

how is your son doing?

Anonymous said...

Although the weather changes in a flash here, there are definitely some benefits to living in Texas. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful and about 67 degrees F.

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee, had to travel in pairs...you make me laugh, Craver.

Shammickite said...

C-C-C-Cold here too! In fact it's been a rough winter all round, with multiple snow storms and low temps. I'm yearning for Spring.
Love the icicles. I saw some on a house near me, and was going to take some pics for the blog but you beat me to it!
Thanks for your nice comments about my beautiful new grandson, he's absolutely gorgeous. It was a traumatic couple of days for us all... the new mummy and daddy didn't get any sleep for about 30 hours. But he's here and he's safe and he's got all his bits in the right place so I am thrilled!

Shammickite said...

And I think Grammy Shammy is a great moniker... but I shall officially be known as Nana!

donsands said...

Craver, Thy humor cracketh me up bro.

Stay warm, well, never mind.

Craver Vii said...

Thanks Dot. Pray for my wife, who enjoys this sense of humor 24-7.

Yeah, LL. Sweaters, extra blankets and house-slippers are great things, and of these, I have my favorites. The kind of cold I don't like is the draft that $eep$ in from a couple window$ that need new in$ulation.

Jenn, isn't that how Cyrillic was developed? I have to laugh when I see a scene in a move where it's supposedly cold, and the Hollywood heroes go about sans hat, scarf and gloves. Not me! I bundle up real good!

My son is doing okay NaNcY; thanks for asking. The remaining wires were removed from his mouth on Monday, and the next phase is to put some dentist's kid through college. Very scary.

67 Spaghettipie?!!
I shall not covet my neighbor's weather.
I shall not covet my neighbor's weather.
I shall not covet my neighbor's weather...

Hola Stacey; it's so nice to see you in the blogosphere. :-)

Craver Vii said...

About the icicles, Shammy, it was my younger son who pointed it out to me. "Look at that, Dad. Are you going to take a picture of it?" See how the family enables the photography addiction?!

Those poor kids must be so tired.

Sandman, you sound so formal in King James. By the way, are your eyes all back to normal now?

Even So... said...


Every Square Inch said...

Thanks for reminding me why I don't live in Chicago.

donsands said...

"are your eyes all back to normal now?"

Yep. Just a little red left.

orneryswife said...

Lol, that was a great post. I have missed reading all my favorites this past couple of weeks. Three weeks in a hotel room ought to get me caught up, don't ya think? TM

Unknown said...

Funny, Craver. :)