Tuesday, February 12, 2008

solving puzzles



Secrets of the universe.


Some knowledge is not intended for man. Such as a lady's true weight or dress size, the contents of her purse and what ladies talk about when they all get up to go to the rest room.


On the other hand, some mysteries are meant to be discovered... like how to be a good husband and father. Mistakes abound, but I know more today than 20 years ago. And yet, 20 years ago, I had enough information to begin that journey. (Theologically, the doctrine of the trinity comes to mind.) Don't you wish you could get a Matrix download for instant knowledge and thorough understanding?


The Truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind---

-Emily Dickinson


One nice thing about blogging is that we give and receive information in digestible bits. If we each try to tell our whole story all at once, it would be overwhelming.


In life there are many puzzles, things that have not yet been fully revealed. Though not all knowable, many of these will be worked out one portion at a time. Just because we don't have full disclosure in the present, doesn't mean that it must be an unlockable secret. Maybe we need to work a little harder to figure it out. Maybe it will come together after we receive a clue or two.


NaNcY wrote a very brief piece yesterday pointing to "the One that gives the knowledge." And that's key, isn't it? Because if we don't have an accurate reference point, how can we have any confidence in what is true?


[For the record, I have never completely solved a Rubik's Cube; it was my younger son who put the yellow side together for me.]


Anonymous said...

I find it reassuring to know that I don't have to fully unlock others all at once but that the pieces do come one at a time, in smaller bites.

I never solved a Rubik's cube either - except by taking all of the stickers off and reapplying them . . . which should reveal a part of my mysterious personality to you as well!

imac said...

Now this is very interesting post Craver,as to the cube all i could muster was 1 side.

Every Square Inch said...


Pursuing knowledge and understanding together is a great thing...yet, we must also remind each other that the "secret things belong to the Lord". That is to say, there are mysteries that we will never uncover....like the Trinity or the Incarnation.

I'm ashamed to say I was a geek in high school and quite proficient at solving the cube. My record was 2 min, 24 sec.

mommanator said...

Rubik cube! humm I let it alone when my daughter was 5 or 6 and could get done before I could put a hand on it!
Women & bathrooms! We do the same as men- go potty,wash hands etc, but like company for the walk! LOL
Some put on makeup and THAT takes longer for others! depending on their face!

Craver Vii said...

You reapplied the stickers Spaghettipie?! Now that you've admitted it on the Web, don'tcha know that the FBI puts you on their list? Tsk, tsk, tsk. You Rubik villain, you.

To say that it was interesting is a generous stretch, Imac. The compressed story loses a lot without context, and I was concerned that this was a very sloppy example of writing. But I didn't have time to re-do it, so there ya go.

So ESI is a puzzle-solving Rubik purist par excellence, eh? Go easy on Spaghettipie; she's a friend of mine.

Total comprehension of the Trinity and the Incarnation may not be easily accessible, but they are not 100% mystery either. When a person first believes, they may not know the details, but eventually they learn the facts. Of course, we can't know everything in absolute detail, but with a little digging, and encouragement to think and study, some of these truths can be better understood... at least partially.

No comment, Mommanator. :-)

L.L. Barkat said...

I love this post. So philosophical! (And amusing at the beginning.) And even a quote from Emily Dickinson. Wow.

As for blogging, yes, I guess it's like getting watching a series. Who knows what the next episode might bring? :)

lorenzothellama said...

One of my sons could do the rubix cube is record time! He just has that sort of mind.
Thanks for visiting Craver. I am so lucky to have all these old photos. I still have loads to scan too, so more posts in the offing. I have deliberately left each one as a 'cliff hanger'. I loved naughty grandmother and nothing more than when she told me tales about 'when she was a little girl'. All about late Victorian and early Edwardian life. I remember so much, but have to check a few things with Maalie about my father's war escapades! Do keep your children in touch with your family history. It gives them roots and usually they just love to hear it, and it keeps your ancestors alive.
Love Lorenzo.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

brilliant post in its humor, simplicity and message. it has frequently been a great comfort to me that I not only couldn't understand everything but wasn't meant to - so I could just let it lie

happy valentine's day to the craver family!

Shammickite said...

My OlderSon is starting on a career of fatherhood any day now.... Baby is 3 days late already. It will be as much of a mystery to him as your Rubiks Cube, but with time I hope he'll be able to fit all the sides together. Trial and error I expect. And learning from his mistakes.

Nabeel said...

One of my fav. poems is by Emily Dickinson .. "Because I could not stop for death"

Unknown said...

You just take all the stickers off and rearrange. *grin*

Craver Vii said...

Oh Eve, do you think I would be capable of such a thing?

...Or I could leave all the stickers off and then it would always end up perfect!