Friday, May 23, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

night blind-ness
The lines and color from the blinds intrigued me, as did the concept of catching a reflection of the moon last Friday.


The idea didn't work out quite as I had hoped, but I learned something from this shot, and hope you agree that it was worth sharing.


I tried this photograph twice. Once manually focusing on the blinds and once on the moon. I like this one better. This was my attempt to capture a sharp image of the moon. I did not use a tripod, but braced myself against the brickwork next to the door. You can almost see some details from the moon, but it's blurry. If I could do it over again, I would use a tripod and take several more shots, to increase my chances of getting a perfectly still door. I think it was blurry because someone was walking around inside.


One more interesting tidbit. It was 8PM, and the sky was no where near as dark as it appears in the photo. In fact, I took this next photo seven minutes later. The very dark appearance in the first shot was caused by the spot meter. For more Skywatch participants please visit Tom at Wiggers World.


Carletta said...

I love the first one!
Night (moon) shots are hard - you did well my friend.

SandyCarlson said...

That's a playful post! And a beautiful photo.

Anonymous said...


Marlow Traore said...

the moon of whom is it?

I would like to travel there

Pat - Arkansas said...

A very clever capture! Well done.

Tom said...

As good as the picture is .. the humour is erxcellents.. :O)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Very nicely done and some interesting technique.

Anonymous said...

Great night photos!

Daniel J Santos said...

Great sky watch, great pictures.

Pernille said...

Wonderful shots. I always love moon-shots. And yours are very nice!

Andrea said...

I see perfection. Great shots.

Kay said...

It's always fun to experiment. Great idea!

dot said...

I think you did real good! The only time I can get a moon shot is during the day.

FO - 2 said...

It is worth sharing - indeed. :)
Love no. 1!
Nice lines and pattern, with the moon in the background.

Shammickite said...

The blinds didn't show up on my screen.... or perhaps I'm blind?

Petunia said...

Great shot - again:)

Petunia's SWF

Unknown said...

Nice capture!

mommanator said...

good job my friend!

Sharon said...

Definitely worth sharing, I love that first one!