angular ensemble

Inspired by the photo in LL Barkat's post Random Acts of Poetry, I set out with my camera to intentionally procure angled shots. As soon as I got home, I got right to work with these flowers. One of my neighbors stared as I lay prostrate for a few snapshots..
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lovely flower photo arrangement
hehe, ya gpotta do what ya gotta do to get those pics, very cool collage! it was worth it, to lay on God's green earth to get that!
so pretty. we had a killing frost so all ours are done now.
Such a pretty collage! Your neighbour would be impressed with the results I would think! The colour is so vivid.
lovely flowers
lovely collage of photos.......
Gill in Canada
Pretty flowers and nice try with your collage.
Beautiful shots! And I love the white fence:)
Mine is up HERE. Hope to see you there! Happy TF!~
I love experimenting with collages and I like your shade of flowers here with the white picket...
Are those crysanthemums, Craver?
Mate, if your neighbour looks at you strangely while you lie prostrate to take a photograph - wear it like a badge of honour!
Great camera work. Well done.
A very nice collage!
Love the perspective shot..
Craver: I'm glad you were laying on the ground. I always wonder if I'll get back up. That is a wonderful collage of purple flowers.
Beautiful shade for flowers :)
They're looking lovely against the white fence
I love these flowers.
I think the color really stands out and would be beautiful in a vase for my wife. :-)
these are lovely
Love the white fence and the color of these is wonderful!
Nice job Craver.
good job, pretty posies!
I do believe the angle thing worked out for you. Bravo! Can't wait to see where this new line of thinking (photoing?) takes you. :)
Purple flowers, white fence, very nice combo!
Hi Craver VII
Great composition!
Fantastic colors, thanks for sharing this beauty!!
Beautiful pictures! I love the flower color.
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