
This photo was my own, low budget, special effect. I placed a toy upside down on a black shirt, and then created a multi-exposure collage with a moon picture from my archives. Neat, huh?Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
This photo was my own, low budget, special effect. I placed a toy upside down on a black shirt, and then created a multi-exposure collage with a moon picture from my archives. Neat, huh?
I LOVE Hancock. I've been pestering Wes about getting the DVD. It was a Big Willy Weekend movie release (July 4th weekend) so I made Wes take me to see it then...because I simply do not miss out on attending a Big Willy Weekend. I can't wait to see his next film, "Seven Pounds."
I never thought to take special-effects pictures. What an unusual idea! (You may have trouble accessing the files, but you seem to have no difficulty at all in creating new ones in cool colors, shapes and sizes. : )
congratulations, your effect is officially more sophisticated than the original star trek special effects which consisted of a plastic model held up against a black sheet with holes in it. i know these things since i am married to a trekkie
Hi Craver,
I haven't been here in awhile. My laptop got a virus and I lost a lot of my contacts. I saw your name on the Picture blog and clicked - yeah. Hadn't seen you in Sky Watch.
I see you've been busy - 'to go where no man has gone before' :)
Wanted to say hi and hope life is treating you well.
Let me know about Seven Pound, Mary. I couldn't make heads or tails of the plot from the trailer.
I think I get that from my mom, LL.
Lime, it's so funny to watch old sci-fi movies and see things like models on wires. I would like to eventually learn how to take good pictures of people, but the tricky gimmicks a person can pull off with a camera fascinates me anyway.
What a drag Carletta. I was out for a while too, and even now, I do much less "visiting." I wish I could play along with Sky Watch and Today's Flowers, but I just don't have the time. I wish I did. Anyway, thanks for the well-wishes. I hope your computer issues get all cleared up for you.
It is amazing what they can do in film today. I think the next big deal is 3-D.
Nice photo. "Live long and prosper".
And have a blessed Lord's day Craver.
Special effects, how about Shreck movies!They look so real!
Looking at that photo makes me think that some enterprising person from somewhere like a museum catalog should make household fire alarms that look like the Enterprise . . .
Love the low tech, special effects! I haven't watched Hancock but based on your recommendation, I'll probably pick it up this weekend.
Well, I have to congratulate you, that is a very neat special effect picture... and as we all know, the camera never lies, or at least it didn't used to, but you just can't trust a camera these days.
Sir Craver, that is VERY neat camera work.
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