Monday, August 16, 2010


I certainly don't eat like this every day, but Saturday morning I put this lovely thing together. It was a spontaneous thing. I guess you could say I was living in the moment.


It's Romaine lettuce and tomato with mayo on toasted whole grain, and then I crowned it with fried eggs and melted cheese. (Note to self: the pepper mill is almost empty.) I went for two eggs, but when I cracked them in the pan, one of them turned out to be a double-yolker! That, with a cup of coffee, and I was content as a person could be!


HappyK said...

Looks delicious but I don't think I could eat all that food. Half of it would be good for me.

imac said...

I reckon that you are very mean - not to invite me

lime said...

sounds yummy except hold the mayo on mine , please ;)

Shammickite said...

Mmmm that's a breakfast for a Hungry Man! (note the capital letters!) I recently bough a pack of bacon, something I rarely buy, but it's tomato season and there's nothing better than a toasted BLT with mayo on whole wheat.... makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

Craver Vii said...

Of course Happyone. That's because I am minivan-ish, and you're a little red corvette.

You do not need a special invitation, Imac. If you are ever in the area, I insist that we find a way to share a meal and a few laughs.

No mayo? I forget; is it allergies? I vaguely remember hearing something about you and mayo Lime, but I forget what it is.

It's been a while since I had bacon, Shammy. There is a sandwich like this in the Netherlands that includes bacon or ham. They call it, "the bouncer." My wife has taught me to enjoy a meal now and then without meat. She didn't have any of my sandwich, because she is on a vegan diet, and I had cheese, eggs and mayo.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh yum, we all need one of these every once in a while. Mine today was a sandwich of white bread (always eat wheat but sometimes changing to white bread is the only way to go on a day like today), a fried egg, tomato, two slices of English bacon, all cooked in a teaspoon of olive oil. Yum, yum! I guess I am on my diet and I guess I am still hungry, even hungrier now I have seen this, THANK YOU!!!!! Just kidding!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You are making me hungry!! I do not usually have breakfast but having guests, I made a huge one for us every morning before setting out on touring around. How nice it was to have pancakes, sausage etc again!! :)

Craver Vii said...

Well now, I don't think I have ever had any English bacon, Denise. I checked it out online, and now I want to find some and try it.

A good pancake breakfast has always been a special treat, but Joan, have you ever eaten that kind of meal for dinner? Mmmm...