Monday, October 17, 2011

dark matter

Hmph... pretty wild! This lawn decoration was upstaged by its own shadow. I was walking inside a building, and the stark, high-contrast shadow stopped my in my tracks. I didn't adjust the color, but just for kicks, I added some vignette. C'est bon, n'est-ce pas?


Jackie said...

C'est bon!
Good eye, Craver. :)))
Smiles from Jackie

donsands said...

Superb pic brother. Love it.

HappyK said...

Cool photo! Great capture.

Craver Vii said...

Merci, Jackie! I must have spotted it with my left eye; that's my focusing/aiming eye.

Sandman, what was really strange, was that this spot looked surreal, as if it already was a photograph.

Thanks Happyone. Speaking of cool... temps will reach near freezing this week over here. Frost pics will be an option soon.

George said...

This is a great photo. Well done!

Shammickite said...

This is really a cool picture, and a good dark shadow cast on the wall, I don't think it would be half as effective if it was out in a garden where it probably was intended to go.

hehehehe word ID is riski

imac said...

Those colours remind me of Dennis the Menace (comic chappie)--
-- You have a little of him inside you my

Great work too.

Anonymous said...

Is that a real flower? Just wondering. It IS a pretty pic too! :)

Craver Vii said...

Talk about hardy flowers, George. :-)

You know what Shammy? I've passed that way hundreds of times, but this was the first time the image arrested my attention.

That's funny, Imac. I didn't make my first slingshot until my late 30's.

That is a steel sculpture, Rachel Grace. It is just outside the back door of church. That really looks nice on a sunny day.

EG CameraGirl said...

Cool! You have a good eye!

lime said...

tat shadow really works with the bold colors. love it!