Wednesday, April 17, 2013

that's strange

That's Strange

April 17, 2013

Fishing Guy chose "That's Strange" for this week's Headbanger's theme.  This is sure to be a whacky kind of fun!  Check out my  pals for their interpretations on this theme: Fishing  Guy, Katney, Imac and Lew.

What's the story behind this week's header?  Well, we had cookies at the office, and some of the brown sprinkles fell off.  I couldn't resist drawing on the napkin to share this twisted imagination with my cubicle mates.

She's perfect, but the expression tells you she thinks her grandpa is strange.

Some of us swim in the pool; others just take pictures of their feet.

A dragon on top to go with a Buddha hood ornament... perfectly normal, right?

I painted this in '82.  What can I say... I love surrealism!

Spilled coffee at work is the perfect excuse for staging a crime scene photo.

Does anyone else have a pet bee?
How about pet "goldfish?"
Awww.... now who doesn't love a good kung-fu fight at a wedding?


Lew said...

Makes me want to avoid the cookies! Love the expression on the granddaughter's face. She looks like she is wondering about that strange one-eyed device hiding Grandpa's face!

Lew said...

Thanks for the comment. There were a few weeds growing in the cracks between the wall and walkway and she was whacking them.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: What fun, you sure captured some strange photos. The mouse drawing was neat.

Katney said...

You are definitely a prankster.

Jackie said...

Fun-loving...that's what I think of when I see your posts, photos, and comments. What a fun-lovin' guy.
LOVE the photo of the grandchild.
Precious and priceless!

Julie said...

This is mac, mouse droppings are great my friend.
Gold to craver
Silver to Kathy.


George said...

You got some great 'strange' photos. I like your header, but the picture of your granddaughter is priceless.

Pastor Dave said...

cool pics, except for the feet! boy, if someone could come up with a scratch and sniff laptop, that would be a funny mixture of scents: baby, kim's coffee, and the feet!

Carletta said...

I have shook my head all the way down the page!
I looked at the header and tried to guess the prompt - fail.... You are just too funny my friend.
I want that dragon auto. :)

lime said...

i think you've got a great series of qualifying shots! the mouse "doodle" really cracks me up.

Betty Manousos said...

you've uploaded some great "strange" photos.

i love the photo of your granddaughter.

simply gorgeous!

have a great week ahead~

Betty Manousos said...

..and what a smart header image!

DeniseinVA said...

It's been too long since I visited Cramer. I have thoroughly enjoyed this post and all these fun photos. Your grand is adorable, that expression just precious.

Jackie said...

You make me smile, Craver. Thank you for the kind comments on my blog!!
Hugs ,