Wednesday, February 26, 2014



February 26, 2014

This week's challenge is thinking selected by... Me!  Check out my pals for their interpretations on this theme: Fishing Guy, Katney, Imac, Lew, and Christine Anne.

I suppose any portrait could be someone thinking, but I tried to capture a pensive disposition with this week's theme.  I wish I could have created a few more shots, but my free time has been very limited, lately.  I look forward to seeing what the others have done.

Speaking of "thinking," I just missed qualifying for Mensa, the prestigious association for geniuses.  As a consolation, they have given me an honorary certificate for Densa.  That one is for those of us that are not the sharpest tools in the shed.  ;-)


imac said...

my poor old friend Craver hasn't had much time to think -- well -- thinking about it, he has done a great job here.
Poor man he's a Densa, just like me Im dense also.

heritagemom said...

Love the thinking shots. Congrats on being accepted to Densa! Fernando is in that club, too (says him)!!

Lew said...

Looks like he is thinking "when will he put the camera down?". In any case, that's a pensive photo!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Fun shots of the kids and you certainly don't qualify for the densa group.

George said...

I like your photos of the thinking young man. And I'm glad to learn I'm not the only member of Densa out here.

Jackie said...

The thinker....
Always a good thing: thinking.
I suspect you actually qualified for Mensa. You just probably didn't get the notification yet.
I'm waiting for my notification from Womensa.
Let me know when yours arrives. Mine should be quickly behind.

HappyK said...

That's a good thinking shot!!

You were wondering how my town got the name of Accident.
About the year 1751, a grant of land was given to Mr. George Deakins by King George II of England in payment of a debt. According to the terms, Mr. Deakins was to receive 600 acres of land anywhere in western Maryland he chose. Mr. Deakins sent out two corps of engineers, each without knowledge of the other group, to survey the best land in this section that contained 600 acres.
After the survey, the engineers returned with their maps of the plots they had surveyed. To their surprise, they discovered that they had surveyed a tract of land starting at the same tall Oak tree and returned to the starting point. Mr. Deakins chose this plot of ground and had it patented "The Accident Tract."
Hence, the name of the town.