I hope your Thanksgiving plans are a success. When's the cutoff time for thawing a gobbler? I'm sure that time is long gone. Hey, a lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked the stock boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy answered, "No ma'am, they're dead.".
I'm going to take a little Thanksgiving break. In the meantime, would you please leave a brief comment, describing something for which you are thankful..
What a beautiful picture of contentment the two of you make! Really, really. Better than apple pie (well, okay, maybe equal.)
Thankful? Me? For you, and my other blog friends, who keep me writing, thinking, dreaming, laughing.
Have a blessed holiday.
I have an incredibly patient and loving wife, and am very thankful to our Lord.
And I'm thinking how thankful to the Lord I am for My daughter, who was born in 1975 and weighed in at 2 lbs, and then needed an operation on her heart. Which causes me to be thankful for Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the expertise of the doctors there.
Thank You Lord for granting my daughter life, and for giving her a Christian husband, and three incredible sons.
How do we begin to count our blessings when goodness is spilling out everywhere? I'm thankful for my husband; my children; Jesus, who has taught me a better way to live; for life and sobriety; for laughter.
Oh, God is good.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving, Craver! I'm guessing you'll be enjoying a fine meal tomorrow.
Which leads me to another thankful thought -- free range turkeys at the regular old grocery store this year! No more trips across town to buy the good stuff. ;-)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Craver! I thought it was still a week away so we will be having stuffing tomorrow - LOTS of it!
I am thankful to have been blessed with a few wonderful friends, Mark being the best of them!
I will be very thankful if I can type in this squiggly word verification right the first time!
(I will be an honorary Thanksgiving-celebrater for this post:))
I'm thankful, among many many other things, for Jesus' unconditional love despite my cribbing and very grudging acceptance of His will (esp. of late!)
Thank you for posting turkey jokes (lol) and reminding me to stop and look at my life and praise my God for all he has wrought in it. I think that above all else, I am ultimately thankful that he has redeemed and rescued me from bondage - the bondage of legalism in particular - and that he is day-by-day drawing me closer to himself.
Thank you for re-connecting me with my "heaven-centered" thoughts (I should think about Him more often...) and I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and your wife as you glorify him.
- Jo
Heya Craver !
Just wanted to say Happy Belated Thanksgiving Brother!
It's been great to read your blog -helping to keep me thinking about things of heaven and leading me down rabbit trails (awesome) of mediations on our Great God.
I hope that the Lord fills you with great joy and expectation as we celebrate His first coming - KNOWING that there will be a second..........
In Christ Jesus ~
I'm thankful that our Thanksgiving comes earlier-that way our turkeys don't freeze in the cold weather. ;) Much better fresh.
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