Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm gonna go on a limb and guess that it's a Red Tailed Hawk. This was taken a block or two from where I work. The bird was kind enough to pose in the middle of its dinner last Friday.


It looks like that building's foundation is in trouble. I wonder if they know.



A conversation last night at the Craver house between my daughter and me: (I had just finished a rant about restricting the use of my special hairbrush, because I don't like having any hair tangled in it.)

D2: I think you have "OBCD."

me: That's "OCD."

D2: Right. **grin**


david mcmahon said...

Nice one, hawkeye!

Ornery Dave said...

OCD -- Way too funny. Great pix too.

Craver Vii said...

Thanks, David. I wish I could figure out how to get clearer pictures, though. The auto focus ain't cutting it for me, and manual is tricky... and metric on top of that!

Yeah Ornery, she cracked me up! I'm not really OCD, but she timed that remark just right.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: I love the photo of the red tailed hawk. They are often on wing around the area but the only one I ever saw on the ground, with a robin in its talons, I was without a camera.