Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm over here!

Whatcha supposes dem hoses is fo'zes?


Our homeschool group took the smallest ones to a local fire station for a field trip. Two of the men at the station are especially gifted at the public education side of the job. They were gracious hosts and provided us with an excellent tour with plenty to see, hear and learn about who they are, what they do, and how they do it.


Before suiting up, one fireman gives them permission to be loud. The kids are supposed to hollar, "I'm over here!" He pretends they are not loud at all. The kids giggle between bursts, but as they shout, and you see the strain in their little necks, simultaneously offering up a prayer of thanksgiving that they are not doing this in your home. In unison, they happily achieve their loudest yells. They are told to call that way if they are ever in a fire and the fireman is looking for them, trying to save them. At this point, they are comfortable with him; they're all smiling.


Then, he puts on one article at a time, carefully explaining its function as he goes. It's all about safety and protection. When he gets ready to attach the oxygen regulator, he predicts that he will sound like Darth Vader.


Finally it happens. The moment his attire is complete, and they hear him breathe through the regulator, their knees get wobbly and one of our kids actually tried to make a break for it. Mommy catches him and tries to explain that it's okay, and he's the same nice man we liked a minute ago.


Forgive me if I preach, but isn't this like Jesus? What I mean is, generally we are all comfortable with at least a partial image of Him, but when the Bible unfolds fuller details, the crowd tends to thin out a little. Have you noticed that?


I love my savior and crave to know Him for all he is. Is he calling for you? Then shout, "I'm over here, Jesus! I'm over here!" And do not run from Him, 'cause he's here to save you.


Anonymous said...

Kudos to you, friend. What a way to explain this in simple terms!

Take care.

imac said...

Nice post Craver11.

Its always nice to see 999 services teaching children the know hows.

Craver Vii said...

Thanks for the kind words of affirmation, folks. Cuckoo, it's good to hear from you again!!

999 Imac? Around here, the number for emergency services is 911. I hope I never have to dial either one. It is sad to discover that children put their lives in jeopardy when they hide from the rescuer's intimidating attire, isn't it?

Every Square Inch said...


You offered important insights in your example. Not least of which is this - the Savior is both the Lion and the Lamb. He's gentle and mild but also heroically fierce and powerful.

mommanator said...

cute post! and thought provoking all at the same time! thanks

Kat said...

What a smart post! Brilliant!

And thank you so much for your wise comment at my blog. Assume the best. Yes. That is wise. Always take the high road, yes? You are wise.
Thank you, again!

Lin said...

Good one, Craver!

david mcmahon said...

That hose picture is a classic. You have ``the eye''. Great effort. Keep looking for those unusual angles. They're everywhere!