Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

goose poop

What a cool hallway! You can gaze upward at heavenly splendor and yet remain sheltered from the elements. It rained this week. A lot. Tuesday night, the rain was so heavy, I wondered whether I would survive driving in it.


After I took this photo, a goose did a foul thing on one of the panes. Party pooper!



dot said...

Those gooses are awful!! hehe
Love your hallway photo. Very nice shot!

Anonymous said...

The hallway photo is very well imagined.
And the gooses are just great!

Anonymous said...

Great hallway taken and goose.

Snap Catch said...

The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.... mine's up too... hope you can drop by....

Tom said...

Hi Craver
I like this... It reminds me of a toast rack.... but with a beautiful sky in the background..

Marie said...

Great sky watch!

Daniel J Santos said...

Great sky watch, great picture.

Unknown said...

Well done, great shots!

Karuema said...

very smart solution:) and very creative:)

imac said...

What a shot Craver, well caught and the angle is great.

Mine are on show now

Marie said...

Did you want to see our cows and other animals? Check tis out;

SandyCarlson said...

Natural light can make a day so much more agreeable. It's nice. That is a beautiful ceiling.

Anonymous said...

I think the hallway photo is very esthetical.

Congratulations and greetings from Istanbul,

Anonymous said...

Ha better the pane than your head!! Have a sunny? weekend!

L.L. Barkat said...

You make me laugh. Oh, rain. My daughter was just saying it's going to rain for four days. I was hoping she was wrong, but perhaps it's on its way from you to me.

Anonymous said...

LOL That's great! I really love those geese! Noisy, raucus, a tad sloppy: great characters!

Pappy said...

Nice touch even with the goose art. Greetings from south Texas.

Champ Townboy said...

Can't trust those geese! Nice shot!

VĂ­ Leardi said...

Very nice angle.good job.

Carletta said...

Tom said a toast rack - who are we feeding! :)
I love the perspective on this.
Great shot!

Chrissy said...

nice photo.

Texas Travelers said...

The hallway is very nice framing for the sky.

Good interpretation of SWF.

Goose was just doing what gooses do best, except for being Sunday Dinner.

come visit.

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a great hall way, poor goose just can't have any fun.

Ted M. Gossard said...

We're getting pelted with rain right now, but not the other!

Anonymous said...

beautifull blue sky

Will you visit my SWF Thanks.

Juliana RW said...

I like the way you took the photo :D

My SWF few from balcony in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

Great shot and I am laughing out loud about the silly little party pooper!

Blessings on your weekend!

FO - 2 said...

This really is a great Sky Watch. :)
Your eyes spotted the hallway and the blue sky very well.
Nice captured.
Cheeky goose.... ;)

Angie said...

Great shots but what a naughty goose!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they do that. I guess that is why we get rain. To wash everything clean. If that doesn't happen, we get snow to cover it up. LOL

Nice shot.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Anonymous said...

The photo are so awesome!
thanks for sharing!

Anne-Berit said...

Nice photos,great hallway-sky!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh and Absolutely LOVELY HAllway...and PERFECT for SKYWATCH Friday!

Shammickite said...

Only ONE goose poop?
Very polite geese... they are much ruder here and poop slippery green goo absolutely everywhere.

Andrea said...

Great shot. Geese are nasty but they are pretty birds....well, some are.

Misty DawnS said...

This is an AWESOME hallway, and it makes for a very creative, unique and spectacular photo! Great eye!

Petunia said...

I guess you too are walking around looking up for great shots for SWF?

Petunia's SWF

Llama Momma said...

My boys have affectionately named one of our parks the "goose poop park."

You can guess why...

Anonymous said...

You always crack me up.

Cool photo though. And it's been raining buckets here, too!

You're really having a good time with that camera! I might have to check out that skywatch stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a creative shot. Thank goodness you were sheltered as you took it.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Craver VII

Intersting idea!
New composition of sky, and very creative!

Have a nice weekend,


bcmomtoo said...

What a great hallway.

Bad goose!

Kat said...

Love the hallway shot! Fabulous!