Thursday, May 01, 2008


buds under a clear blue sky
(This week, I must take a diversion from SkyWatch, because it would not be fair to post, knowing that I cannot answer that many comments.)


These two shots are from the archives. The magnolia buds belong to my next door neighbor. I took that on March 16 with my own camera (Mavica). I used my wife's Fujifilm A303 to snap a shot of this other "bud" on the same day.


Remember this: Whether or not you see blue skies today, know that the sun is still shining. (If it wasn't, we'd all be dead.)


imac said...

Tis a great photo shoot,
I think you should enter even if you cant reply.

dot said...

Two good shots! I chose not to participate in Sky Watch also. Just too many comments to make.

mommanator said...

love the shots, who says you have to answer all?? cant have a mind of yer own!?
these look like sky shots, the sky so wonderfully blue!

Anonymous said...

fantastic shot!
They are two nice portraits.

Alex's World! -

Craver Vii said...

That's a fair question, Mommanator. Have you seen what's at the link for Sky Watch? By submitting link information, participants "enroll" in that week's program, thereby inviting lots of people to visit their site. I just don't think it would be right for me to use their platform to get lots of visitors, when I know I won't be able to return the favor. Does that make better sense? I hope to be able to do it next week though, 'cause it's tons of fun!

I can still post a Sky Watch type of photo, which I did. And I can still visit anyone I choose to, which I will (time providing). :-)