Funny thing... as many bees and wasps as we saw (and there were plenty), they really didn't bug us.Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
Funny thing... as many bees and wasps as we saw (and there were plenty), they really didn't bug us.
cute lil bumblebutt there but i don't think i will pinch it.
as for that nest, it is a wasp's nest. those papery types of nests are made by wasps.
Isn't that a hornet's nest? I think things that live in nests like that can be very aggressive. Probably better not to chase it like David chases grizzlies!
Lime, you said "bumblebutt." (snicker)
Yes, I have a third-grader's sense of humor.
I'm glad you mentioned hornet Louise, because I saw a long, skinny black thing hovering over their deck while we were swimming, and my first thought was that I should kill it. I decided instead, to let it bee, unless it threatened us. I wanted to find a photo of a hornet, and found that there is such a thing as a "Great Black Wasp," which is not aggressive, like the hornet. But either way, if you click on the nest's photo, you'll see one of the inhabitants on the lower, right side of the nest.
I agree that is a big nest. I wonder just how they go about construction.
"they never bugged us".....I love it.
Sir Craver, I only just spotted my name here and the reference to Crocodile Dundee!
I'm really enjoying the progression of your own camera skills.
Mate, I absolutely loved your comment on my ``Pentax Branch Office'' shot, where you said good cameras don't grow on trees!
OHHHHH I am so glad I scrolled down... I love the bees!!!!
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