Monday, August 23, 2010


I took a day off last week, and went swimming at a friend's house. After a dip in the pool, I meandered through their backyard, donating blood to the local micro phlebotomist union (mosquitoes), enjoying the flowers, and birds and bumblebees. Speaking of the "birds and the bees," this romantic couple ought to get themselves a room! I thought they might be cucumber beetles, but I'm not sure now. Let me know if you think you can ID our Romeo and Juliet and/or the flowers.


UPDATE: This has been identified as the Soldier Beetle, aka Goldenrod Leatherwing or Pennsylvania Leatherwing. A great big thank you goes to Carletta and Old Man Lincoln for their help!


And... the flower is butterfly weed (asclepia tuberosa).


Chris said...

I do not know what they are but the picture is very nice!

Pastor Dave said...

romeo and juliet could be some sort of bumble bee since they are on a the mixture of colors!

imac said...

Caught in the act,Well captured my friend.

Craver Vii said...

Interesting bugs. Chris, it is strange how some creatures flee and others don't care that I get this close.

No way Mr. Dave. Those are no bees. That's for certain. I thought at first, it might be a kind of lightning bug, but the abdomen is very different.

I don't understand it, Imac. They just kept walking all over those flowers. Hmmm... unusual.

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot Craver, but I didn't know you were into voyeurism. :D

Carletta said...

You looked! :)
Romeo and Juliet are trying to add to the soldier beetle population in your friend's yard.

George said...

I can't help with the identification, but you did get a wonderful picture of the happy couple.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking they are "Soldier Beetles," and before I allowed myself the luxury to post something I wasn't exactly sure about I did Google it under images and came up with their grandparents. It is a Soldier Beetle.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

In public too!! Disgusting!! LOL!! Great sgot though Craver but maybe all the rooms were taken. :)

Shammickite said...

Watch out for the blogger porn police when you post pix like that!

mommanator said...

they almost look like lightning bugs to me

Craver Vii said...

Well Gaelyn, I'm not a creep who's into crawlers, if that's what you mean. Ewwww...

Bingo! I double-checked your answer Carletta, and I think that's exactly right. Thanks!

"The happy couple." That's funny George. I googled "goldenrod leatherwing," and another picture came up showing the same type of bug practicing multiplication.

With all of this particular activity Mr. Lincoln, I'm surprised that I haven't come across these bugs before.

Craver Vii said...

Who knows Joan? Maybe this is the only time they are out in public. They certainly didn't seem to care about being under the camera. I think I used the flash, too.

Surely this doesn't qualify as p0rn, Shammy. (I dare not even spell it.)

I thought so too, Mommanator. It turns out, they are closely associated.

lime said...

the micro phlebotomist union...that it just a fantastic euphemism!